Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 22: Pressure your peers JOYfully

Today's reading — Proverbs 10

Perhaps at no other time in life is it harder to see and hear what a "herd" of people are doing and seek to do something different than in high school. Peer pressure can be intense, to say the least, in the adolescent years! 

But Mighty Strong Girls, it does not go away! Peer pressure exists at all ages, in all socio-economic situations and it all forms — blatant and sometimes subtle. We covet, we mimic, we behave badly ... all rooted in jealousy. 

There is absolutely nothing positive or redeeming about going along with a crowd that is self-indulgent or self-seeking. From one sermon I heard at Christmas time, JOY comes when we correctly set our priorities: Jesus first, others second, yourself last. 

From Proverbs 10, we learn that when we heed discipline — such as employing the JOY technique in our lives — it leads to life, from verse 17. This verse also says that when we ignore correction, we can lead others astray. 

This, my precious lovelies, is no different than peer pressure. More subtle perhaps, but it's the same thing with different packaging. 

Mind you, there is a form a peer pressure that works for the kingdom. In fact, positive peer influence is perhaps the greatest thing you can do for your generation. 

It doesn't mean that we flip open a book of religious law in front of others and point out the rules and where we are all going astray. It doesn't mean calling everyone out. 

What it means is gracefully living a life of discipline. Modeling by example JOY. Showing Christ to others through your actions. In this way, you will not only draw your fellow sisters in Christ closer to you, but you will also help them seek Him more when they see you live out your life in sync with His desires for you. This is the opposite of leading others astray!

And believe me when I say that when you can stand up to peer pressure now by being a living example of faith, it will become second nature to you as you grow more mature. Others will seek you out because you are a pleasure to be around. That kind of positive peer pressure is beautiful!


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