Friday, February 22, 2013

Why Mighty STRONG Girls?

Someone asked me recently about the name Mighty Strong Girls. Where did it come from?

Honestly, at the time, it just came to me as though not my own. Several things happened afterward to affirm that this was what God would name our little ministry. And then, it stuck.

Today I came across some notes I made from a sermon I heard about the time we were unveiling Mighty Strong Girls on what it means to be strong biblically. The sermon, the scripture and the reasons were all affirming what was already going on in my brain. Strength is so misconstrued, misunderstood and misused from a worldly perspective.

Our world says strength is overpowering, either physically or mentally or maybe even emotionally, another person. The strong will survive. It's a concept central to evolution, too, interestingly enough. Bullying behavior is simply a mirror of what our kids see in the world — the "strong" overtaking the "weak." A theme played out again and again in movies, books, music and even homes.

1 Corintians 1:27 (NIV) says:
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

So maybe you are a "weak thing of the world." What does that mean? Should you throw yourself a pity party? That's what the world wants of you.

Or, you could realize in this one verse that God has destined you — yes, YOU — for greatness. Would it not be so if He had not hand-picked David to not only defeat Goliath but to rise up as king of a nation, to be leader of his chosen people? He loves calling out the unsuspecting to greatness.

Oh, dear girls, you are also HIS CHOSEN. He will use you, when you are ready to listen, hang on to Him and be obedient as He calls you into greatness.

It will be a wild ride, though! Something the weak of our world could never handle.

Because being obedient means having the courage to turn your back on immoral behavior, take on new challenges, have persistence in everything you do, stick up for those being bullied, ignore ridicule, walk away from unhealthy relationships and say NO loudly to a boy's unwanted sexual advances.

Courage is a muscle, and you need to use it to grow it. Today I challenge you to put it to use. Here are some ideas to get you thinking about how you can grow your courage:

  • Speak out in youth group. Voice your opinion. Start a conversation. 
  • Start your own Bible study or Mighty Strong Girls small group. 
  •  Befriend a widow in your church. 
  •  Sponsor an orphan. 
  • Share the Gospel. 
  • Go on a job interview. 
  • Confront a problem situation. 
  • Apologize to someone in a letter or even face-to-face. 
  • Raise money for a good cause. 
You will find the more you employ courage, the stronger you will be. You will hear God's voice more loudly, and you will move into the greatness He has planned for you — your destiny, your very identity.

And as you do, please remember these words from 
1 Corinthians 10:13 (The Message):

No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it.

{Seeking greatness in Him alongside you}

Monday, February 18, 2013

Not just a random act of kindness

by Morgan

     When you get to a point of feeling relaxed and comfortable in your walk with Christ, it becomes less and less fulfilling and less and less glorifying to God. 
     These past couples weeks, I’ve felt relaxed and comfortable with where I’m at. I started going through the motions instead of getting something out of what I was doing. To say the least, I started to feel alone in my walk. 
     A couple nights ago, my friends and I made plans to go out to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings for a post-prom fundraiser. My friend Kayla and I felt obligated to go, since our parents were in charge of the whole thing. I also had been praying and asking God how much my limit was on going out, instead of staying in and building the relationships with my family, especially my little sister. I truly believe that I felt obligated to go because God was going to put something or someone in my path to turn me back to Him. 
     Before my friends and I ate, we prayed — as we always do. We prayed for continuous nourishment and strength with the essential tools God provides for us. We, too, prayed for the relationships He has given us and guidance in our everyday life. 
     We then ate our food and talked about random things that were going on in our lives and just caught up on things we don’t get to talk about as much anymore. 
      While we were waiting on our check, the waitress came up to us. She informed us that someone saw us praying before we ate and paid for our check. My reaction was just as you all would think. I got the chills and prayed. I then realized that God reminded me I’m not alone in my walk with Him, nor will I ever be. He reminded me that although storms and troubles may come, He will always be there to calm down the storm for me. He controls all things. He is in charge of all things. 
     We will have doubts along the way, and we will stumble, but God catches our fall. He has caught mine several times, and I know He is always right there with open arms, waiting to catch yours.
     "And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen." – Philippines 4:19-20. 
     God will exceed all the needs we might have. If we’re feeling lonely, He will hang out with us. If we are feeling down, He will lift our spirits back up. If we think we are failing, He will help us succeed. God never fails. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

What is love?

It's a feeling, right? I mean, that's what everyone says. That's what you believe, because when you watch a movie or read a book with a romantic scene, it makes your heart leap. You FEEL it — sometimes from your head to your toes. It's a moment, a little slice of time — maybe even a 30-second commercial that makes you ewwwww and awwwwww and your heart does a little flippy-flop. 

Yep. It's a feeling. 

When you feel it, the emotion of love, directed toward another, then he feels it back. Or sometimes he doesn't.You either love someone or you don't, right??? It's not a choice. It's a destiny, completely out of your control. Like an emotion, a feeling. Right? 

But what about unrequited love. It's painful. Love should never cause pain. That was something else. A crush. Infatuation. Not love. Something that's supposed to be good shouldn't make you feel so bad… So, OK, love is NOT an emotion. 

But love, it's definitely a noun. It's a place you can find, if you try really hard. Not a place that you visit, but a place you can arrive at if you have a good map and the person reading it with you really wants to reach that destination, too. YES! YES! That's it! You fall in love — that place where you feel strongly for another person. Yes, you could spend eternity here in this "happily ever after." Right there. On the map!

Love is definitely a PLACE. Well, except, oh what about divorce. If love was a really a place, how could it go away after you get there? How could love possibly fall off the map? Cease to exist? Swallow itself whole?

OK, so maybe love isn't a place. Is love still a noun? Noun. A noun is categorized by people, place or thing. We know it's not a place or a thing. Is love a person? Who loves more than anyone? Jesus?

Is love Jesus? Jesus extended grace, forgiveness and mercy to EVERYONE. Not just Jews. But to sinners. He was definitely loving. And He commanded that we should "love our neighbors." 

Wait, these things Jesus did…they are all verbs. A verb? Could love be a verb? An act? 

1 Corinthians 13 tells us about love that it is patient and kind. It rejoices with the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love, writes the apostle Paul, is greater than hope and faith. 

What? How can love BE patient and kind? Can love really rejoice and bear all things? What things? Like my hurt, frustration and fears? Can love really DO that? How could love be greater than faith? Faith, it requires so much. And yet love is greater than faith? Really? 

Could it be that love is how we act out our faith, the very vessel of hope? 

If love is a verb, and not a noun, it means our service is love. What we DO, day in and day out, is love — or is not love. Our choices are reflections of our love. Our every word and action is a mirror held up to our hearts. 

Love sees the real person, but does not care about the sins, shame and darkness. Love pushes you toward the light. Love doesn't care if you are vulnerable or hurt or are without makeup. Love picks you up and dusts you off without condemnation, envy or anger. 

Love isn't afraid of pain or loss; love doesn't shy away from even society's most rejected. Jesus, he ministered to prostitutes and the hated Samaritans. Nobody was outside the reach of Jesus and his love. 

Love doesn't require a promise or commitment, just a moment. Love wants to be known and used, and even if you turn your back on it, love will extend its hand again and again.

Yes, love is definitely a verb, embodied in the life of Jesus, a noun. Love is compassion lived out in actions, choices, daily steps of faith ready to help us overcome pain, anger and emptiness. There, time and again to offer hope and healing. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 38: Do more than cover yourself with glitter

Today's reading — Proverbs 28-29

Have you ever hidden something? A habit? A sin? A past you wish you could run away from? It takes so much work, time and energy to cover up something. 

And sometimes there isn't enough glitter in the world to add the amount of sparkle it would take to cover up your pain, sadness, anger or hurt. 

What's a girl to do? 

In Proverbs 28, verse 13, it says: 

She who conceals her sins does not prosper, 
but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy. 

When you are ashamed of a past or find ugliness in your physical form or have an addiction that consumes you, the world is pointing its finger and laughing. It certainly feels that way, doesn't it? Our culture is so good at making you feel ashamed, guilting you into negative emotions and force-feeding lies about how you screwed up, are unworthy and have no value. Even when you are a good person who stumbled. Even when you know it was wrong. Even when the past is very, very distant. 

Our God isn't like that. It's true what they say, that the ground is even at the foot of the cross. All sins are equal, and God loves you so much that there's mercy for you NO MATTER WHAT! 

If you feel today, right now, like you just can't get ahead, it might be time for confession. God wants you to hand it over. And as I discussed with my kids this morning, renounce the sins by committing to a new you. 

Our world loves a success story, and you, dear Mighty Strong Girl, have a most lovely story to tell. Don't delay. Bring your sin into the light. Confess and renounce, and get the fresh start that you DESERVE because you are a child of God

{leaving it at the foot of the cross}

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 37: What are you waiting for? Change the world!

Today's reading — Proverbs 26-27

One of the Mighty Strong Girls challenges is that you grow your faith in an environment that is FUN, healthy, authentic and true.

But sometimes change is hard, and always it requires a commitment.

Have you ever heard the saying, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results."

If your life feels crazy or out of control — perhaps a reflection of the world around you — then maybe you should first look to you. Be introspective and see what needs to be changed there first.

You see, dear girls, we FIRMLY believe God has given you unique, amazing gifts that you can use to change the world. But you can't do it without first stepping out in faith. Looking inward. Looking toward God. Operating outside your comfort zone. Doing things differently than the world does them. And listening for God's still small voice. All of this means doing things different, because after all, that's the ONLY way to get different (new and better, too!) results.

So what does this have to do with Proverbs 26-27? Today's verse is Proverbs 26:11 (one of my favorites):

As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.

So it seems God is the original author of this concept. Want different results? Stop repeating the same mistakes. There's freedom and beauty and strength in change.

{seeking what's new and different}

Day 36: Will you stand on the sidelines making excuses or jump into the battlefield?

Today's reading — Proverbs 24-25

Today's scripture is one that popped right out of me. Maybe I was intrigued as soon as I noticed the word "strength." But verse 10 in Proverbs 24:10 almost seems to affirm the world's view of strength, that it's not OK to stumble, that it's weak to fail.

If you falter in a time of trouble, how small is your strength!

I would like to take another perspective of this verse. Do you know anyone who struggles with addiction? Do you know how many temptations they face in a day? An hour? The ticking seconds in a minute?

It's important to remember not everyone's trouble looks the same. So putting it in perspective further means that if I'm only faced with a temptation once a week but overcome only every other time while my sister faces six temptations a day and overcomes five of them, who is stronger?

When faced with a barrage of temptations, how often do YOU succumb? I think we need to celebrate each victory, for each time we turn away from that which can harm us, how strong we are indeed! And we need to focus on our own celebrations without comparing or criticizing our sisters in their battles. 

God wants us to get to a point where we don't falter, because we have learned to lean on Him. Will we succeed every time? No, because we are human! Will we grow our faith and be transformed when we seek Him with our whole heart? You bet!

But look at the next two verses:

Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, “But we knew nothing about this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay everyone according to what they have done?

I actually like the Message version even more, Proverbs 24:11-12

Rescue the perishing; don’t hesitate to step in and help. If you say, “Hey, that’s none of my business,” will that get you off the hook? Someone is watching you closely, you know—Someone not impressed with weak excuses.

I think what impresses me most about teen girls is that they see the struggle of their peer group and — even when they themselves are facing serious battles — they desire to pull their sisters from despair. They so wholeheartedly seek to help each other, and they are begging for more to join them! They want us to come alongside them in this effort to overcome the damage done by low and negative self image.

So, here's my challenge to you today. Find a way to get involved with the work of Mighty Strong Girls. Many women and girls of all ages will be needed to fight this battle. Can we count on you to help? Or will you stand on the sidelines and know what our girls are facing and yet make excuses for not getting involved?

God is calling us. Girls are asking for this. The time is now, and the work is plenty.

{stepping up in faith}

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 35: How you can get rich beyond measure

Today's reading — Proverbs 23

I had a well-meaning family member who spoke over me as a child that I should seek a high-paying profession. 

As long as I could remember (from age 6 or 7), I wanted to be a writer. It was my absolutely passion, and I could envision nothing else. Plus, when it came to other subjects, there was none I was better at in school. I was definitely not strong in math, and while I loved science, I did not perform well in chemistry and physics. I felt conflicted by what this man was telling me. Writers don't typically earn a very high income! In my naïveté , I simply sought happiness, which he left out of the equation entirely — something creating an utter confusion in me.
Proverbs 23:4-5 offers a kind of wisdom contrary to that given to my family member:

Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint. Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle. 

Does this mean people who are wealthy are bad? Of course not! Money is amoral. It is without blame. It's the coveting of money and the uses of money by a human mind or hand where blame comes in! 

I know many physicians and successful business people who have been financially blessed. As a result, and because of their heart to follow their passion and calling in life (and not to chase money), their donations and contributions toward Christ's kingdom have a multiplying effect. They are cheerful givers who are living out their identity in Christ in both occupation and gifting. 

How do you measure up here? Do you think about how much money you will ultimately earn when you weigh career choices? Or do you follow where your heart leads, ask for God's guidance and seek out a blend of your heart's desire and His will for you? 

I must admit I've done both in my lifetime, and I came to wisdom in this matter much later than I'd like to admit. It wasn't that long ago that I sacrificed godly service to work more hours so I could "make more money." But I was no longer giving back with my creative talents to the God who handcrafted me and made them a special part of who I am. And when I did that, I was not blessed. My "riches" seemed to go out of my bank account as quickly as they were deposited with nothing to show for it. 

There's a balance in here that God wants for you. Girls, God has a unique plan for you. When you cast aside the money matter, you will be blessed beyond measure! He will pour riches upon you that have eternal value, and your checkbook may not be overflowing, but you will have ALL that you need!

{grateful for God's blessing}

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 34: Serving can lead to spiritual riches!

Today's reading — Proverbs 22

This chapter was very convicting to me. Made me think about wealth, poverty, debts, fear of the Lord and how all these things can either work together for His glory ... or not.

Today I'd like to talk about verse 16: 

He who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth 
and he who gives gifts to the rich — 
both come to poverty. 

For some reason, this made me think about the photo shoot we did not long ago for a Mighty Strong Girls magazine column on different body types. (For the record, I made seven girls FREEZE for an outdoor photo shoot. They probably still haven't forgiven was brutal!) 

But as I edited the photos this morning, I was reminded that God isn't examining the outer shell, though they are all uniquely different. The bottom line is that girls of many shapes, sizes and colors are ALL beautiful to Him! 

I think in verse 16, poverty isn't necessarily material poverty but spiritual poverty. It comes in many shapes, sizes and colors — just like the body type. So beware....whether you are oppressing the poor to increase your wealth or whether you are giving something to someone who doesn't need it. Because the path he wants you to take is the one that leads to a cheerful, giving heart. One that leads to eternal life and spiritual riches!

How can you apply this to life. Instead of taking a prized pair of jeans or prom dress to a consignment store or giving it to a friend who lacks nothing, perhaps you can donate it to a homeless shelter or ask your pastor if there's a family struggling in your own church with a daughter who could really use and LOVE your selfless donation.  

As a side note, I want to mention that we had MANY, MANY dresses donated to Mighty Strong Girls for a style show and dress sale fundraiser last month. It was amazing. I'd like to share one story from that event. The mom of one of the girls happened to tell me days later that her daughter is given an "allowance" of $100 per prom or homecoming dress. Anything above that she must pay for on her own. This girl donated a $500 dress to Mighty Strong Girls. This was a big sacrifice, as she might have been able to sell it for $300. A girl attending the event bought it for $50, which was donated to Mighty Strong Girls. What a priceless, amazing act of kindness. My heart is full when I hear of these stories! And that, dear girls, is what a Mighty Strong Girl does! 

{seeking spiritual riches alongside you}

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 33: Does God really CALL people to jobs?

Today's reading — Proverbs 21

One of my favorite books of 2012 was Richard Stern's "Hole in the Gospel." It tells his testimony of how he came to the helm of World Vision, and his fast-moving story had me twitching. 

God wanted him to give up his riches and position as a corporate CEO and oversee World Vision, a Christian organization that helps combat poverty and more. 

I used to wonder how people could say they were "called" to do something. It sounded like a nice word to persuade the rest of the world they had a personal relationship with the Lord. The Lord doesn't care enough about a person's job to "call" them there. Or. Does. He? 

I loved Stern's story because he dug his heels in. He did NOT want to take the job. He did not want to give up his comforts, and he didn't even think God was calling him even as the signs started to build up. 

But eventually it became too much. God's fingerprints were all over it. He WANTED Richard Sterns, and God would stop at nothing to prove it to him! 

Girls, I have attempted to resist God's subtle urgings in the past. He usually doesn't stop at one attempt. He's been so faithful to give me more than one sign to convince me of His will for me. 

That's why I loved verse 30 in today's reading: 

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. 

What He wants, He gets. And if it involves you, there's no tool at your disposal that could stop Him. And girls, would you really want to? 

He KNOWS best. And best of all, He knows you. Those special passions, gifts and desires in your heart, He will draw those out of you so you can do His work in His time.  

I know. Because He called me here. To Mighty Strong Girls. To use the best of what I have been gifted with to serve Him. And you. 

Sometimes it's scary. But all the time, it's a pleasure. It's part of my identity in Christ. And you have one, too, right now that will continue to grow and evolve and stretch your faith! It's that beautiful thing that makes you shine from the inside out; it's what makes you who you are; it starts and ends with Him!


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 32: How to give your friends more than they expect!

Today's reading — Proverbs 20

One of the wisest things I ever learned at photography seminars and workshops had nothing to do with how to make a photography technically better. It didn't have to do with Photoshop or even how to order or package deliveries. It had to do with relationships. 

Under-promise and over-deliver. A message that came up over and over again. Give your customers more than they expect!

Is that how our relationships should be, too? 

In today's reading, Proverbs 20:25 says, 

It is a trap for a man to dedicate something rashly and only later to consider his vows. 

Have you ever done this? Made a promise to a friend or a boyfriend? You meant well at the time. It sounded good ... then. But reality set in and you couldn't deliver. 

I try hard to avoid this, but last year in the midst of a busier-than-usual season of life, I desperately wanted to help a friend with something I felt passionate about. She was on a tight deadline, however, that I knew I wouldn't be able to meet. And yet, I promised her I would. Because I wanted to. Even our best intentions cannot overcome the reality of our situations!

How much better would it be for our relationships if we didn't err in this way? If instead of promising anything, I just dove in to help if or when I was able? 

Carefully contemplate your commitments today. You will find when you put Jesus front and center, He will make more things possible for you than you ever thought you could do alone. And all those other things, you will be able to way over-deliver on! 

{seeking improved relationships}

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 31: Seek a new definition for wisdom!

Today's reading — Proverbs 19

Is the concept of wisdom, as defined by God, beginning to sink in with you in the reading of Proverbs? I think one of the biggest benefits of this book of the Bible is to see wisdom as God does, not as the world does. 

It's a MAJOR change in thinking! 

You see, our cultural view of wisdom is lots of academic degrees, scholastic awards, professional achievements and accolades. Our world would have you think wisdom is tightly connected to authority or maybe even directly related to someone's career or income. 

Someone who is wise never stumbles, ask questions or seems in doubt — at least according to our worldview of wisdom. 

I was reading an older book, "The Power of Believing in Your Child" by Miles McPherson before falling asleep last night. I decided to stop on this line so I would remember to share it this morning with my daughter who has never stopped asking questions since the day she could form complete sentences: 

Kids with leadership qualities are inquisitive. 

Whoa! The world says leaders don't need to ask questions. They already know it all, right? 

Good leaders are humble, compassionate, always learning and seeking wisdom, and embracing opportunities to serve. 

In Proverbs 19, verse 8 says: 

She who gets wisdom loves her own soul; she who cherishes understanding prospers. 

Girls, it doesn't say "she who is wise." You see, God has big, big plans for you. But you don't just get to have them. It's not a soup kitchen where He's pouring into every bowl equal servings. 

You, my precious girl, must ACT. Seek wisdom. Get wisdom. How do you do that? 

Ask questions. Learn. Read your Bible. Pray. And serve. 

Finally, don't ever stop. Nobody ever arrived at wisdom. They keep actively pursuing her, so they can become even more in tune with God's will for their lives! 

{chasing His wisdom}

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 30: Are you a good friend to 1 or a friend to many?

Today's reading — Proverbs 18
Many of the last blogs have been about practicing discernment with the tongue and in friendships.

Some of the Proverbs can be hard to swallow. Some seem contradictory. Others seem downright ridiculous!

But I want to draw your attention to the very last verse, verse 24.

Have you ever known a friend who seems to crave the attention of EVERYONE? Someone who wants to be friends with absolutely everyone? A popular seeker? Someone with more than 1,000 Facebook friends?

I've had friends like this. Notice the word "had." Because these so-called friends always seem to come and go. That's not by coincidence!

See what the verse says:

A woman of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

I was almost relieved to read this! I've had friends who seemed so close, but then in another season, they would disappear like the wind — quietly and mysteriously. It's so nice to know it's not my fault!

One of my best friends in college was like this. It was almost like she was addicted to attention. She would commit to doing things with six different people on a Friday night. She couldn't bear to let down any of her friends. Guess how many real friends she was left with in the end?

Girls, one good friend is worth the affection of 10! And if you are the kind of girl who seems to need everyone's eyes on you, liking you, adoring your every word and dividing up your attention, it's time to ask yourself where your loyalties lie. What are your motives in friendship? Are they true? Or are they taking you on a path of self-destruction?

{embracing authentic friendship}

Day 29: Do you offer LOVE to the school gossip?

Today's reading — Proverbs 17

So, the last blog was about gossip. This one picks up right where that one left off. In Proverbs 17, verse 9: 

She who overs over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends. 

I'll be honest, I've got a LOW tolerance for gossip. If you share something with me about someone else that SHOULD come from their lips to my ears and not from your lips, I tend to hold it against you. 

I never say anything to you about it, but for darn sure I talk to my husband. And I'll know never to tell you anything of a personal nature about myself. Because now I don't trust you. Even if you had someone's permission, that what they told you was NOT in confidence, I don't feel it's right to discuss other people's problems without them present! Period. 

OK, who's sinning here? 

According to our verse, repeating the matter separates close friends. And I never repeat someone's secrets, so that must make me a good person. Right? 

Hmmmm.... This verse had me thinking that I'm not actually covering over the offense in love. Instead, I get defensive and judgmental, righteous and all holier-than-thou. 

Is it OK not to trust someone who speaks of others' secrets? Probably. God wants us to be discerning about our friendships. But He also asks us to extend the hand of grace and the offer of forgiveness. Just like He did for us!

{seeking more of His grace}

Day 28: Is it gossip or isn't it?

Today's reading — Proverbs 16

What do you do when others gossip? I mean really, tell me what you do by commenting below. It might help another girl! 

I hate gossip. But it hasn't always been that way. In fact, it took me a long, long time to recover from this addiction. That's right, gossip can be ADDICTING! 

And exhilerating. Because finding someone who is equally aggrevated by someone's sinful behavior is like winning a scratch-off lottery ticket. Once you start scratching, you just want to keep buying them. We Christians like to call this type of gossip "venting" and dismiss it as healthy. It's like therapy, you know! 

But check out Proverbs 16: 28....

A perverse woman stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends. 

My daughter read me an American Girl story on this subject not long ago. One girl in a dance class thinks another has stolen her prized locket. She confronts a mutual friend, who tries to talk her friend into having a discussion rather than accusing the girl. In many instances, she gets sucked into the gossip and doesn't stand up for the girl. Even she is in doubt of the truth with all the lies and gossip swirling around. Eventually the girl has to move to a new school because the one girl doesn't stop making her life miserable. In the end, the girl who was the confidante realizes that she might have picked the wrong girl to befriend when the other girl finds the locket in the bottom of her dance bag. 

Sometimes it's hard to avoid gossip. Other times, it's hard to discern what is and isn't gossip. Is some second-hand information OK to share with a friend you are trying to protect? Perhaps rumors that a boy who professes to be a Christian is really looking to take advantage of girls? If you share that information with a friend is it gossiping? 

I think it's important that no matter when or how we speak, we carefully contemplate our words and question our own motives. Are we looking to stir up dissension? Do we know that's the consequence? How would you feel if you were the person on the other end? 

{praying for discernment}

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 27: Ever want to reel in your words?

Today's reading — Proverbs 15

I grew up hearing "Think before you speak." I don't remember if it was my mom or dad or grandma, church or school, but this was a mantra spoken over me as I matured. 

I'm sure it helped curbed my tongue a time or two. But what probably made a bigger difference was screwing up. Sticking my foot in my mouth, which — incidentally — I still do from time to time. It was embarrassing and made me feel less of a person that I would say something rude, gossip about a friend or not think about a person's feelings before I spoke. That icky feeling made me not only more regretful but also more cautious in the future. 

God has a saying, too. It's a little more lengthy but way more introspective. 

Verse 28: The heart of the righteous weighs its answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil. 

That's right, when we just say things without thought, we are prone to sinning, to gushing evil. When we pause to think about what we're about to say, when we really ponder the words our tongue is forming and contemplate their consequences, we are acting with righteousness. 

When we do it, when we weigh our words, there are no icky feelings. It's just one way you can live more joyfully! I don't know about you, but happiness is what my heart desires. 

{thinking before I speak}