Friday, October 17, 2014

What are we seeking to give us comfort?

Jesus is all we need. All the time.

No matter our circumstances or situations we are facing, there’s nothing or no one who can make us feel better or take it away. Except Jesus. He’s it, He’s everything.

As I got into my car this morning, plugged in my AUX cord, and contemplated what I could listen to that would make me feel the slightest bit better, I realized nothing would. In a split second of hopelessness, I felt so defeated.

Evaluating my current state of mind, I realized my bad attitude and “blah” feeling weren’t rooted in anything of real measure or importance. I wasn’t facing a life-threatening or debilitating event or circumstance; I was just simply struggling with my attitude. Blame it on female hormone fluctuations, maybe. But regardless the reason and how small of an issue it looked compared to what some people are facing today, I was still enduring this struggle. As my music selection failed to be the saving source I needed this morning, I realized something… There wasn’t going to be anything I could put into that “saving source” role that would bring relief or change. It’s like trying to fit a round peg into a square opening … ever try that? It doesn’t work. EVER. Without manipulating or breaking the pieces, of course. ;)

So in that moment, God reminded me to focus on the truth in the situation. He’s been doing this with me lately in every situation I’m facing … “What’s the truth in this?” “Find the truth” “Focus on the truth” are all things I’ve been hearing lately when in the midst of a situation in which I’m questioning or wondering.

Sound familiar to anyone?

Yep. Philippians 4:8. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about those things.”

I’ve been coming across this scripture lately, not by any sort of accident. God is using this to remind me to find the truth in situations in which my emotions might be getting the best of me. And by MIGHT I mean emotions that ARE getting the best of me. Female hormones, what can I say? If you don’t understand what I’m saying girls, give it a few years and you’ll know exactly what I mean!

So, knowing that nothing in this situation would help me feel better except the presence and truth of the Lord, I had to ask myself a question. How many times have I looked out to other people or other things to provide comfort in situations in which I was hurting or struggling? Ouch. Talk about self-examination; that one hurt a little bit!

I’m well aware and fully believe that God places people in our lives to be support systems for us and He works through those people, so I’m not discrediting that in any way. BUT … what about the times I’ve looked to music, food, TV, movies, people who may not be the best support, or that “down time” that’s only been isolation, and I don’t feel a bit better afterwards? How many times have I looked to the wrong thing? Probably more than I can even count or even want to know.

Honestly this saddened me. But in that moment I thanked God for His truth and His peaceful presence that surpasses all understanding in times like this. I prayed that I would always be aware of where I’m looking for comfort and that Jesus would be the first place I’d look and turn.

I pray the same for you girls. You are a princess and a daughter of the Most High — take hold of that and claim it, own it. It’s your identity and He longs for you to turn to Him and allow Him to comfort you. His love and peace are infinite. No problem or situation we encounter is too small, he wants us to look to Him and allow Him to help us in everything we do! Let Him be that “saving source” in those times of need; He’s the only one that fits the role, girls! You have a loving Father that longs for you; let Him love on you. You are HIS precious girl!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Morgan finds her mission field at 17, halfway around the globe

     It’s not often that a teenage girl moves halfway around the globe to start her own ministry with people she’s never met.
     But that’s EXACTLY what Morgan Jeffries did. And she had the support of her devoted parents, too.
     For Morgan, it was really kind of just that simple. God spoke. She answered. She trusted. Period. End of story.     
     “This is something I am constantly seeking God about,” Morgan says about her life, including her recent decision to move to Uganda. “I am constantly asking him to direct my path and where He wants me to go and what He wants me to do. Because He created me for a reason, my biggest desire is to follow the path He wants me to follow. So I know He will continue to lead me as long as I keep my heart open to whatever He wants me to do.”
     Actually, experiencing God is just the best part of Morgan’s story. It has many more exciting details.
     In January of 2013, Morgan began looking into orphanages in Uganda. She sensed God was leading her there, but she didn’t know where or what she was supposed to do.
     “I didn’t know anyone who lived in Uganda or anyone who had ever been to Uganda,” she said. “After looking at a couple different orphanages and even contacting some of them, none of them felt like the right place or where God was leading me to go. So finally I just stopped looking and started praying and asking God to show me where He wanted me to go if He truly wanted me to go to Uganda.”
     That’s when Morgan and her mom, Rebecca, came across a young girl’s blog who had stayed in Uganda for two months in 2011 with Next Generation Ministries.
     Morgan contacted Next Generation Ministries but didn’t meet any of the people who worked for the ministry until she arrived in Uganda in February 2014.
     Most moms might freak out about sending their daughters overseas at age 17 — alone and in a place she’d never experienced. Rebecca, however, was pleased.
     She knew that Morgan wanted to go on a mission trip like this from a very young age. It’s something Rebecca and her husband, Tim, want all their children to experience someday, and she’s talked to them about her own experience in Honduras when she was younger.
     “Morgan literally went over there not knowing what she was going to experience, knowing nothing of the culture, knowing no one. It was a big step of faith!,” Rebecca said.     “Morgan has been on the front lines at church or other ministry opportunities to serve in any way she can. Whatever opportunity has been placed before her to serve, she has done it with all that is in her and jumps in with both feet without looking back!”
     By the time she boarded the plane for the 24-hour journey to Jinja, Uganda, excitement and fear kicked in.
     “I remember sitting in the plane just getting ready to take off asking myself, ‘What did I just say yes to? Why am I going here? What do I think I’m doing?’ So yes, I had those normal questions inside myself that I think everyone deals with,” Morgan said.
     “But it was also a great time for me to pray and just ask God to fulfill His will in my life during my time in Uganda,” she said. “I planned to stay for nine weeks and head back to the states just two weeks before my 18th birthday. But God had other plans — plans to use my small yes for things I had no idea about. It has been amazing to see things unfold in God’s timing. There have been many challenges along the way, but it’s been an amazing journey.”
     Her trip began as a “normal” mission trip — moving around with teams and working in different areas of Jinja. She served in many villages and began to learn the primary language, which is Luganda.
     The first week Morgan was in Uganda, she met a baby girl and her dad among throngs of other people, but there was something about them that stuck with her. In fact, she could not stop thinking about the young girl. She even shared with the missionaries there that this little girl was on her heart and in her prayers. 
     Two weeks later, she learned that the man was trying to figure out what to do with his baby girl. Her mother had passed away, and he had nobody to help him care for the 18-month-old.
     It turned out there was a couple in the United States who wanted to adopt her, but someone would need to care for her until the adoption is final.
     “After talking, we decided that I would extend my ticket so that I could stay here for as long as I needed to and care for Grace,” Morgan said.
     God was calling Morgan to stay in Uganda and be a temporary mother for Grace, the toddler who had won her heart. Again, she found support — not criticism or concern — from her family in Georgia.
     “God blessed us so much by giving us Morgan as a daughter. She is truly one of my best friends and I miss the times we had together before she left,” Rebecca said. “However, when she left, my husband and I gave her back to God. We support her 100 percent in staying and opening her heart, life, and home to whomever God places in her life. We all miss her tremendously, but thanks to social media, email, and Skype we are able to stay connected almost daily with her. That has made this so much easier!” 
     Morgan soon learned that Grace had two older siblings who had a different dad but shared the same mom. Their father had already died, and the death of their mother made them both orphans. They were in a nearby village with extended family who weren’t really able to care for them.
     Morgan asked God if He wanted her to care for them.
     “After A LOT of prayer and getting advice from some different people I respect a lot. I am beginning the process of starting a children’s home here,” she said.
     Right now, caring for Grace is priority — and of course, a 24/7 job for her! Grace’s siblings, who are 11 and 9, cannot be adopted as her own children, but Morgan wants to create a ministry that would be an un-orphanage. She wants a place where children who have no family can be “like family.” Additional children would be like siblings to the two she will start with.
     “It is both scary and exciting to think about this possibility as well as finding out what all will be involved,” she admitted. “I know that if it truly is something God is calling me to do He will provide everything that is needed for it. He doesn’t expect me to do this on my own. This is still something that is just in the beginning process. There is still so much that I have to do, look into and pray about.”
     Even though many others are critical (saying she’s too young, that she couldn’t possibly make these kinds of decisions at her age and that she should return to the states and live a “normal teenage life”), her parents are committed.
     Said Morgan, “My parents have encouraged me. They also have challenged me in many ways to make sure I am following what I really feel God has put on my heart.”
     For Rebecca, it’s been a beautiful transformation of her daughter that she’s enjoyed experiencing. She’s noticed how much she’s grown spiritually and in her knowledge of who she is in Christ.
     “Morgan has a huge heart and love for people… especially children. She is such a hard worker and puts herself into what she does 100 percent,” Rebecca said. “She is loving, kindhearted, soft spoken and extremely easy going, yet she has this inner strength that keeps her from being moved in the wrong way.
     “Morgan has always had a desire to do what is right and to follow God with her whole heart, mind and soul. All these things wrapped up into one make Morgan perfect for what God has called her to do in Uganda at this time.”
     That said, she does she worry — a little — even if she has a total inner peace about what Morgan is doing there.
     “I, of course, have the ‘mom’ moments. She recently got bit by a poisonous spider. I did the normal worried mom thing by continuing to ask her many times a day how it was, asking if she was putting on the medicine I sent with her just in case this happened, asking her to send pictures so I could see that it was indeed doing better,” Rebecca said. “I do worry about... her health, happiness, and physical/spiritual well-being and growth.
     “However, I do not sit and worry about what she is doing in her daily life. I do not worry about the many times a week she is traveling all over the place on the back of a boda (motorcycle) in the crazy Ugandan traffic, or walking around by herself in a foreign country doing her daily shopping, building relationships with the people there and ministering when opportunities arise.
     “I am so thankful that God has given such a peace in regards to Morgan’s life in Uganda.” 

     Morgan is currently launching her ministry. She's a missionary called to open the children's home in Uganda. Just like Amy Denney is a missionary called to launch the ministry Mighty Strong Girls. Both Morgan and Amy saw God at work, listened for His voice and said YES to His call. 

     Here's where you come in. God is doing great things, and we know we can humbly be part of His even greater things when we serve and give. Would you partner with us to be part of God's plan in both Uganda and with Mighty Strong Girls? 
     For every new Mighty Strong Girls donor who signs up to give monthly or even a one-time donation in 2014, Mighty Strong Girls will give half to Morgan's ministry to help her open her home in Uganda. Let us join together to be part of the work of the Kingdom! 
     To get a form so you can start giving, email

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Greatest Love

    by morgan wells
As I was reading Francis Chan’s book, Crazy Love, I stumbled upon a couple sentences that were pretty convicting. 
     One of them read, “Most of us, to some degree, have a difficult time understanding, believing, or accepting God’s absolute and unlimited love for us.”  
     Are you guilty of this? 
     Do you ever have a hard time understanding God’s love for you or someone else in your life? 
     Do you find yourself questioning His love when things go wrong or not as planned? 
     I’m not going to lie; I’m guilty of this when certain things aren’t going as I had originally hoped. But… that’s why I’m writing this blog… to show girls how powerful God is and how unconditional His love is for us.
      It’s been quite some time since I’ve blogged, and I could make up some excuse about how busy I’ve been with other things, but the truth is that I have kept my distance from God. 
     At first, it was unknowingly because comfort is my weakness but then it became noticeable. 
     Before you read any further, I want you to think of a few of the many times that God has given you hope through a tough situation… or maybe it wasn’t a tough situation… maybe it was a situation that was a blessing. 
     Looking back, do you see God’s hand in that situation?
     The word love appears in the Bible 551 times. What does love really mean? 
     According to Wikipedia, love is a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes and it can also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection. Love is a word that’s confusing for some. We hear people say they love their kids, spouses, and friends all the time. It’s a word that’s thrown around a lot in our culture…sometimes good and others times bad. 
     We can “love” all we want, but it really doesn’t make sense unless we fully understand that God IS love. He does represent human kindness, compassion, and affection when we let Him.
      When we are younger, our parents tell us they love us. When we become teenagers, a boy will tell us he loves us, and when we become adults, our spouses will tell us they love us. 
     No, I’m not saying love is a bad thing, and we should always run away. I’m telling you that our parents, our friends, and our spouses (someday) can’t love us the right way until they love God the most.
      I’ll give an example of this Great Love. 
     Before I came to Christ, I was a mess. I found myself hanging out with people who didn’t really lead me in any direction (which is just as bad as them leading me in a bad direction). I was happy where I was, doing the things I was doing. 
     But… out of God’s great, great love, He found me when I was lost, sent someone to invite me to a Christ in Youth camp, and saved me. THAT is Great Love.
      Telling numerous stories isn’t my intention for this blog… my main intention for this blog is to prove to girls like you that you ARE God’s princess. God loves you more than your parents, friends, or any boy ever could. 
     Some of you girls have been saved by the Lord's unconditional and perfect love. And others haven’t quite yet made the jump. For those who haven’t… fall. Allow God to catch you. Allow God to use you to love others because of Him. 
     And if any of you get the chance, read Francis Chan’s book, Crazy Love. It provides biblical examples, and it challenges you to love God and love others despite our imperfections.    
     “Even though we could die at any moment and generally think our puny lives are pretty sweet compared to loving Him, He persists in loving us with unending, outrageous love.” 
     Go and do. 
     Be a blessing for someone today, tomorrow, and forever. God wants to show you His Greatest Love…will you allow Him?  

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Live a TRUTH contrary to the messages you hear!

    by Sarah Reynolds
 So, one day we’ll all grow up and move on from here… right? I mean, it’s not like how we act in the here and now is going to have any major effect on what happens afterward. This place is just a stepping stone, we’re still young, and so we deserve to have as much fun as possible, and if anything isn’t fun we should just quit… right?
     This is the view that society has placed into the hearts and minds of this rising generation. My generation. We are expected to behave and think in ways that would make innocents cringe, but hey, we’re just teens right? Kids will be kids, after all.
     I’m here to tell you that’s not the case. We are worth so much more, and capable of so much more than this culture gives us credit for as young people.
      We can write, draw, sculpt, sing, research, perform science experiments, build anything from robots to bookshelves, dance to the beat of our own drums; we can move, speak, encourage, work, save, invest, learn, and form our own opinions.  But that’s not what we hear from the media.
      “Embrace your fear of commitment”
      “Live for Now”
      These are from two different ad campaigns, both angling toward the teens and 20's crowd. Just two of the thousands of advertisements we see each day.  This isn’t even going into all the ones angled at girls telling them how they need to change their bodies to look better, or the ones angled at guys telling them they need to do this or that to be successful.
      It seems like everything in this culture focuses on looking good, being powerful, making it big… and yet things that can get you there (hard work, direction, focus, good priorities) are mocked and belittled, while things that can get in the way of you going far (drugs, alcohol, careless sex, laziness) are overly glorified and quite frankly overrated. 
     We are expected to party because “kids will be kids” but what does that ever really do for us?  When was the last time someone who made something of themselves said, “I got to where I am today because of all those drunken nights in college” or “I am successful because I dated every girl in junior high”?  Can you show me even one example?
     The truth is, those things don’t fulfill us, and they never will. They aren’t what makes us strong, and they won’t create beauty or power in us. However, they will have an effect on our future, despite what the culture we live in may say.
     We live in the age of social media. People could, at any time, take a picture or video of you doing all these things and post it anywhere they’d like. They can find you years later and cause a nightmare. Words out of your mouth can go so quickly, and reach the people you’d hoped they’d never reach, before you can stop or even begin to control it.      Everything you have ever done is at your future employers fingertips should they know how to get it (and generally they do).
     So, this all makes me call into question the original assumption at the beginning of this whole thing: why is this society so insistent that things like drugs, alcohol, and partying the years away don’t matter at all?
      What truth is being hidden? If it really doesn’t matter or have a negative effect, why do we live in a society where suicide is the third leading cause of death in teens? Why are people in their 20's and 30's, who appear to have it all, still feeling empty and deeply craving something more than what they have?  
      What are we missing?

Monday, July 21, 2014

Learning to use God as her safety net

by Katie Basso

A lot happened at CIY this year. Like, a lot.

First off, for those of you who don't know. CIY stands for Christ in Youth. They have different camps for different age groups. The one I am specially talking about is CIY MOVE, which is for high schoolers. I have been blessed to have attended four CIY MOVE camps in my lifetime. Well, more like three and a half, but that is a story for a different time.

This year was big for me. I was pushed outside of my comfort zone by going with my new church and knowing almost no one. It was hard, and at some points it made listening to God more difficult.

But He made something very clear to me. I'm still holding onto my addictions. I haven't let them go yet. I'm like a little kid with their blanky. It's like a sense of protection for them. That's how my addictions are for me. I know that if something happens, I will have these things to fall back on. They will always be here.

But God doesn't want me to use them as a safety net. He was me to use Him as a safety net.

At the beginning of the week everyone was given a red piece of yarn. Later on we were told that this piece of yarn represents a sin that's holding us back, or something that we need to let go of. There was a big metal circle placed in the front of the theater we were in, and in the circle was a heart. We were challenged to come up and tie our yarn to the circle which represented us, and then to the heart which represented Jesus.

My string represented my addictions.

And I couldn't do it. I couldn't tie the string. I wanted to so badly, but I felt that if I did I would be lying to myself and to God. So I didn't do it. I still have the red piece of yarn with me. I haven't let it go.

Addictions are just symptoms though. I still haven't figured out what mine are symptoms of, but I am praying that God reveals that to me. I trust He will when the time is right. Until then, I'm leaning on Him instead of my addictions. They are still there in the back of my mind, but I'm slowly getting better at going to God first.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Introducing our new blog manager, Sarah Beth

     I’m so incredibly excited to be writing to you all today. It’s been such a journey to get to this point, and I’ve been extremely blessed for this opportunity! 
     For starters, my name is Sarah Beth…. Yes, Beth is my middle name, and yes, I go by both names. People always wonder why I introduce myself with my first AND middle name… Some people tend to think I’m just really fond of my middle name and want to share it every chance I get… as amusing as that is, it’s the farthest thing from the truth. As a child growing up, I was called Beth (which is a whole different story for a whole different time I can hopefully share with you all at some point!) unless I was in trouble, then I got the full name. Yeah, don’t play, you all know what I mean! As I got older, going solely by my middle name became more difficult and honestly just a pain in the you know what. So, my first and middle name got combined and “Hello, I’m Sarah Beth” became the norm. Yes, I’m the girl with two names! For a long time I hated this… I hated that I had to explain why I have two names and why some people call me Beth and others call me Sarah. I hated that I wasn’t “normal." 
      Can any of you relate? One small, simple difference can lead to monstrous insecurities and lies about yourself… Yep, that’s where I was at for a long time.
      But… as I continue to grow up and grow into the woman God created me to be, he reminds me that I’m beautiful, ALL of me, including my name. And I know that at some point in my life, my story of having to struggle with the two-name-dilemma will be a testimony and a word of hope to someone! And if my story can help one person see their true value, worth, and beauty then all the struggle and hardship I’ve endured is totally worth it.
     This is exactly why I’m here girls… not to just simply share the struggles of my two-name-dilemma, but to share my story and my heart in hopes that it will touch and inspire you girls to know your true beauty, worth, and value. Those truths are something I’ve struggled with for a huge part of my life. They’re something I still struggle with some days, but God helps me combat those thoughts and feelings that go against His truths and helps me focus on who HE says I am. And for those of you who have struggled with this too, please know you’re not alone!
     Okay, I’ve shared a bit of heart and hopefully you can hear more of that later! What I really want is for you beautiful ladies to know a little about me and who I am…
·         * I’m 26 years old (most days I don’t feel this old, so I don’t like to claim it!)
·         * I love peanut butter… and chocolate! So naturally, I think Reese’s is the greatest candy EVER!
·         * I love fried pickles… like a lot. They’re the sole reason I attend the State Fair, I’m not even kidding.
·         * I can’t whistle. Despite my boyfriend’s greatest efforts to teach me.
·         * Yes, I have a boyfriend. He’s amazing. Really amazing. I definitely have A TON to share with you girls about finding a good man and what to look for... and what to wait for! I’ve been EXTREMELY blessed to say the least!!
·         * I work with special needs children, specifically kiddos with Autism. They’re so great : )
·         * I’m finishing college online, working on my School Psychology degree. I’m attending Southwestern Assemblies of God University. It’s an awesome school, any of you close to college age should check it out!
·         * I have 7 siblings, 5 of which are adopted. (again, great story for another time!)
·         * I have 7 nieces and nephews.
·         * I love to run. I’m still perfecting the art of running, but it’s a great prayer time for me… God spoke to me about working with this ministry during one of my run/prayer times! It’s a great story I would LOVE to share!
·         * I have a slight addiction to coffee… that doesn’t agree with my budget… the struggle is real.
·         * Reading is one of my hobbies.
·         * I have the most amazing friends. They are hard to find, but God provides!!
·         * My family is my heart. And they are the greatest people in the world.
·         * My newest passion: writing….
     I’m gonna run with this last bullet point for a hot little minute.
     I’ve always had an interest in writing. It’s been something I’ve thought would be fun and would think “who knows, maybe someday," but never thought it would really be something I’d do. About a year ago or so, God started placing this desire and passion on my heart for writing. Not just writing to write, but to write and share my story. Accepting my story and past has been a huge challenge for me; I’ve dealt with shame, fear, rejection, you name it. I have a special place in my heart for young/teen girls struggling with their stories. I know how difficult things can be, but at the same time I know how God can walk you through those times, heal you, and give your life purpose! I know because He did it for me. I’m not a special circumstance; this is what he longs to do for all of us. God wants to and WILL use your story to speak to others about His never-ending, never-failing love. This is what he’s doing in my life right now…
     Girls, please don’t keep your stories in or think they aren’t valuable. YOU are the vessel God will use to show his love. YOU are the vessel God will use to give hope. YOU are the vessel God will use to change lives… Yep, I said it, HE WILL USE YOU TO CHANGE LIVES. Read it again. And again. And don’t forget it.
     You are valuable. Your life is valuable. Your story is valuable.
     Take a leap of faith with me girls and continue to share your stories and hearts! If you haven’t yet, start now! Not only do I want to hear them, but I can’t wait to see how God will use your stories and your words to reach others!
     Let’s embark on this journey together, it’s going to be amazing :)

All my love,

Friday, June 13, 2014

Introducing the summer 2014 covergirl!

I cry aloud to the Lord;
    I lift up my voice to the Lord for mercy.
I pour out before him my complaint;
    before him I tell my trouble.

When my spirit grows faint within me,
    it is you who watch over my way.
In the path where I walk
    people have hidden a snare for me.
Look and see, there is no one at my right hand;
    no one is concerned for me.
I have no refuge;
    no one cares for my life.

I cry to you, Lord;
    I say, “You are my refuge,
    my portion in the land of the living.”

Listen to my cry,
    for I am in desperate need;
rescue me from those who pursue me,
    for they are too strong for me.
Set me free from my prison,
    that I may praise your name.
Then the righteous will gather about me
    because of your goodness to me.
           ~ Psalm 142

     Psalm 142 was written by David while he hid in a cave from people who were chasing after him because they wanted to kill him. What is interesting to me is how relevant it is for girls.
     This prayer – this psalm – is offered today in honor of our cover girl. For her story. For the challenges she faced and overcame.
     Her paths were hidden with snares…girls calling her names, pressuring her to do things she didn’t want to do and be who she wasn’t meant to be.
     She was taken off guard. She felt alone. She thought she could handle anything that came, but when it came, it was harder than she anticipated.
     But she sought God. She prayed, not just for herself but for her tormentors. She knew she couldn’t do it alone. 
     And God was faithful. He set her free from the prison, and she praises His name, even still, as the godly gather around her. She reaches and teaches other girls about the faith that got her through, that rescued her from the cave.
     I first met our cover girl when we had a fashion show over a year ago, and even though she wasn’t very familiar with Mighty Strong Girls, she eagerly grabbed a microphone at the event to share her thoughts on why the ministry is so important for all girls. She got it — the purpose, the vision, the NEED. She is truly an amazing Mighty Strong Girl.
     She is determined. She is intelligent. She is compassionate. She is courageous. She is strong – like really strong physically because she spends hours and hours training for the Olympics. She is Tyler Lackland. 
      The magazine is on sale now at Print copies are $7, and digital versions are $1.49. If you know a board member, see us for a copy if you don't want to pay for shipping. And if you'd like to buy the magazine in bulk copies for churches or organizations, they are $5 each. Just call us at 217.801.7464 for more information!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Payson reveals her real identity

     by Katie Basso
Katie Basso First off, let me reintroduce myself. 
      My name, my REAL name, is Katie Basso. I am 16 years old, soon to be 17, and will be a senior at Athens High School next year. And, as I said when I was Payson, I have and still struggle with an eating disorder and a self-harm addiction. 
     The first thing I’d like to explain as my real self is how terrifying this whole thing is for me. Everyone is going to know my story. I have kept this a secret for 5 years. I desperately tried to hide this from my friends and family, and now it’s all coming out. 
     I know you’re probably asking, “Well if you’re so scared then why are you sharing it?” 
     Because I feel like God is calling me to. Because I feel like sharing my story could help someone who is going through what I went through. Because I am no longer ashamed of my mental illness, and I feel that no one should be ashamed of theirs. 
     A little over 2 years ago I met Amy, the founder of Mighty Strong Girls. She saw my posts on Facebook and she messaged me, sending me virtual hugs. That summer I went to a Christ In Youth conference that changed my life. That was the first time I really felt like God was calling me to share my story, although at the time, I was still really deep in my struggles. But I said yes anyway. 
      I talked to Amy about how I could share my story. She told me to write out my story while she searched. Eventually she told me that there was nothing out there. But, being the amazing person that she is, she came up with her own idea. Mighty Strong Girls. I was a little skeptical at first. But, soon it became this amazing thing with the help of so many amazing people. 
     So yeah, I guess you could say that I am the reason why Mighty Strong Girls is even a thing, but I don’t like to look at myself that way. I look at it as God bringing Amy and I together, and Him giving me the strength to even consider sharing my story, and Him giving Amy the idea of Mighty Strong Girls. 
      It was all God. So anyway, here I am. The real me. My story. I hope you all can bear with me as I share the part of me that I’ve had hidden for so long.

     You can read Katie's story in her own words in the summer issue of Mighty Strong Girls magazine. It is available for sale at 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Payson is bringing her secrets out of the dark...stay tuned!

by Payson

     Wow. It's been an entire year since I've written anything for this blog. That's ridiculous. 
     Hopefully I can write more regularly once this next issue of the magazine comes out. Why do I have to wait until the next issue comes out? Because I will be in the next issue. Like, the real me. So basically this will be my last anonymous blog post. Yeah. I said it. I'm revealing myself! You finally get to know who I really am, which is terrifying to me.
     Having to share secrets and share your struggles with anyone is a scary thing to do. Admitting that you mess up and you aren't perfect is scary. But sometimes it's just necessary.
     In my situation, if I didn't tell anyone about my struggles with anorexia, bulimia, and self harm, I probably would have died. At the time I didn't think that. I thought I was fine. Looking back I can see how messed up it was for me to think that I was okay.
     I've come a long way since then. But that doesn't mean I'm cured. I still struggle. Some days are better than others. But now I have a support system in place to help me through those hard days.
     The next step for me is to basically share who I am and what I've been through with the world. I want people to know that I'm not ashamed of what I've been through. That it's scary, but telling people is okay if it means you will get help. I don't want eating disorders and self harm to be something no one really ever talks about. It's a real thing and a lot of people are affected by it, and if me sharing my story helps people understand that, then that's what I want to do.
     I'm going to be honest. I'm absolutely terrified. But, I'm no longer ashamed. So the next time you'll hear from me, I'll really be me. The real me. With all my screw ups and all my imperfections. I hope you take it easy on me!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Bigger, better and more beautiful

Mighty Strong Girls is going through some transformations -- good ones! Our emphasis on the magazine, small groups and events remains. But each area has become more refined and beautiful. 

We have several new board members, and we are looking at hiring our first staff member to sell advertising for the magazine. The structure of the organization is going to change so that we can raise funding more easily and spread God's love even further. The magazine is getting 16 pages bigger and going from three issues a year to four issues, plus it's getting the infusion of a whole new focus that we plan to unveil in full when the summer issue is published. 

God is giving us direction for our events -- showing us to focus on one fundraiser and one service/discipleship event for girls and their moms. 

It is a very, very exciting time for this ministry. We are beside ourselves about all the announcements we can begin making soon on our website. 

So how did we get here? How do we know that bigger, better and more beautiful is the right move? 

We are focusing on our relationship with God, seeking to listen to Him and His purposes for the ministry. And He is speaking loud and clear! He is drawing us not only closer to Him but also to one another. The women-led board has been seeking Him, being authentic with one another and living out the same kind of advice we want to pass on to girls. 

We are asking God while we are asking others. We have invested in relationships with teen girls, who are beginning to give us their trust and telling us what they need, how they pray and what areas they crave spiritual guidance in. 

As we move forward in faith, we are asking anyone who has had Mighty Strong Girls in their prayers, thoughts or radar screen to pray. Not just about the organization....we always need those prayers. But right now we are praying for our 30 CHALLENGE. There are 30 days in April. This month, we want a new donor to sign up every day to give a minimum of $30 a month. This is sufficient for us to do what God is telling us to do at this moment and move a step closer to His plans for the future of Mighty Strong Girls. 

Will you pray with us? Will you pray for 30 families to step forward? Will you pray about any and all ways God wants you to partner with us? Will you pray that we (the leadership team of this ministry) would continue to seek God's direction, to put Him first, to do His will and to always draw close to Him? 

We are so thankful for the people who financially and prayerfully provide the pillars for the messages we are delivering to girls. May God bless each and every one of you! 

P.S. If God calls you to be one of the 30, what you need to do is simple. Click on this link (, print out the form and mail it to Ripe for Harvest, our accounting partner in ministry. If you have any trouble with the website, just email