Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 26: Act out your anger

Today's reading — Proverbs 14

My morning devotion — delivered daily to my email in-box (you can sign up to have ours sent to your email, too!) was all about anger. Then I opened up Proverbs to our place today, and guess what? 

It seems today's theme is anger. 

So let's chat. What makes you mad? Bullying? Gossips? Peer pressure? Ungodly behavior among your friends? 

Anger....well, I don't necessarily think the emotion of anger is a bad one. It's what you do with it that can cause you to stumble and sin. 

Take a look at how it's discussed in Proverbs 14. 

From verse 16, it's clear that hotheaded and reckless behavior are considered foolish. But the wise fear the Lord and "shun evil."

Later, in verse 22, it says that if you plot evil you will go astray. So it's unwise to use your anger to do "bad things." 

But I believe you can take the anger and use it for good — developing a plan for love and faithfulness, also from verse 22. 

As I write this, it kind of reminds me of Mighty Strong Girls. It's pretty easy to get mad when you think about how girls are portrayed in the media as sexual objects, how they are shoved into a box with all the expectations and stereotypes for our gender, how they are second-class citizens. It's angering to learn about how prevalent female genital mutilation still is in most African nations. It's downright disgusting that many women are pressured to have abortions or even kill their newborn babies — simply because they are girls. 

Most people believe these facts justify a plan for evil against those who would commit such atrocities. But God. He says NO. He says make a plan that is written in love and faithfulness. 

So instead of attacking the enemy, Mighty Strong Girls is attacking the problem by offering a positive alternative. We aren't the only one. There are so many wonderful organizations doing great and awesome things out of love and faithfulness to help girls RISE UP!

My dear girls, you can do this with the anger in your lives, too, no matter the situation. Pray about it. Think about it. Don't be hotheaded and act out your anger with immediate hatred. Instead, take that energy and pour it into something positive. Be the change you want to see! 


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 25: God says pick good friends!

Today's reading — Proverbs 13

If you ever want to dissect what the Bible says about money matters, this would be a good starting point. Much of Proverbs 13 speaks to the heart of finances and wealth and poverty. 

But I'm going to focus today on one verse here that doesn't. Verse 20. 

He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. 

Have you ever been frustrated by a parent who doesn't see eye-to-eye with you on the choice of one of your friends? Sometimes parents just have a "sixth sense" when it comes to bad, or even ungodly, influences. Parents just want the best for you. 

Guess what? Are you surprised to find out that God wants the best friends for you, too? Just because you are to love your neighbor doesn't mean you spend the bulk of your time with that person. 

You see, love is not so much an emotion but an act. So while you act in love toward everyone around you and minister to the unreached and the rejects of our world (serving), you walk with the wise. 

Maybe there is some overlap in these groups. Maybe not. 

You see, you become what you are influenced by — and that's why it is SO IMPORTANT not only to be grounded in the word of God but to stay connected with Him in prayer and communication, and to be on your faith walk with those who will help you grow wiser still. 

God doesn't want to see you hurt, and that's why He warns you that if you are friends with fools, harm will come your way. 

It's OK to be discerning in your friendships. God WANTS you to pick your friends. Find those pals who build you up, encourage you, speak honestly to you, challenge your faith as you challenge theirs, pray with you and bring out the best in you. 

When you do, you will be a powerhouse of leadership working toward a common goal in growing closer to God and determining your individual identities in Christ. That's one Mighty Strong Girl! 


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 24: Is your tongue a tool for destruction or for hope?

Today's reading — Proverbs 12

Sometimes it feels so confusing when it comes to dealing with mean people or bullies. On the one hand, the Bible tells us to turn the other check and love our neighbor. But many of God's beloved prayed for their Lord to strike down their enemy — and He did. God also tells us to love ourselves, and some people who tear us down consistently are hard to be around because they challenge this very notion. 

What's a girl to do? 

From today's reading, verse 16 states: 

A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent woman overlooks an insult. 

Mighty Strong Girls, that's what we call self-control. Practice it early and often. It's a gift, particularly when you join as one in marriage. Sharing a living space, bank account, schedule and children are all instances when it's not all about you. Learning to submit or control our selfish notions is a gift in relationships! 

So, at the heart of this verse is really the best advice my mom ever gave me: ignore them. Just ignore the bullies. It drives them crazy. They act because they are seeking a (your) reaction, and they are jealous. (Eventually they will give up on you if you continue to overlook insults, and in this way, God will strike down your enemy by removing her from your path.)

But please be careful that you are not on the delivering end of insults. Because you know what? Jealousy is not only ugly but it's rooted in fear. Jealousy is NOT from God. It's a sin that causes us to stumble in other ways — seeking approval from man, cursing God's name, plotting against others, coveting our neighbor's possessions. It's a slippery slope. 

Also, look just a couple verses down in verse 18: 

Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise bring healing. 

Just like the insults hurled at you hurt, so does your negative reaction. Your words can either tear down or build up, so choose them carefully — even as you overlook the words of fools. For, there is JOY for those who promote peace, as promised in verse 20. 

Today, use the tool between your teeth to build up. I love the devotion in my Bible that speaks of three-word groupings: I love you, You look great!, Good for you, I forgive you. Three words that can transform relationships and lives. 



Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 23: Pause for a moment to ask yourself if you look like this pig

Today's reading — Proverbs 11

There are some verses in Proverbs that paint such a descriptive mental picture, they really make you stop to ponder the scene. 

Verse 12 is like that for me. 

Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion. 

My mind creates an image of a nasty, filthy, garbage-covered pig with a gorgeous, shiny ring in its snout. The contrast is striking and laughable and even, well, it's kind of sad. 

Why on earth would a pig, nasty by nature, have something so stunning, beautiful and expensive affixed to it? 

So it kind of makes you think....why would a woman, beautiful by (God's) design want something so disgusting, ugly and impure affixed to her? 

Girls, when abuse our bodies or allow others to use us and when we showcase our bodies in sinful ways — all without regard for who we were created to be on the inside, we are just like this pig. For some, beauty will only ever be skin-deep because she practices no discretion in life. She is like this pig. And she looks ridiculous. 

Our Designer and Creator breathed beauty into us. This beauty, it starts on the inside with the ingredients of our character and the choices we make, and it radiates to the exterior. It may not look like the world's version of beauty. But it doesn't matter. Because this beauty is pure and celebrated by our Maker. It makes Him smile. This is a beauty that NEVER looks ridiculous, and it's always in style!


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 22: Pressure your peers JOYfully

Today's reading — Proverbs 10

Perhaps at no other time in life is it harder to see and hear what a "herd" of people are doing and seek to do something different than in high school. Peer pressure can be intense, to say the least, in the adolescent years! 

But Mighty Strong Girls, it does not go away! Peer pressure exists at all ages, in all socio-economic situations and it all forms — blatant and sometimes subtle. We covet, we mimic, we behave badly ... all rooted in jealousy. 

There is absolutely nothing positive or redeeming about going along with a crowd that is self-indulgent or self-seeking. From one sermon I heard at Christmas time, JOY comes when we correctly set our priorities: Jesus first, others second, yourself last. 

From Proverbs 10, we learn that when we heed discipline — such as employing the JOY technique in our lives — it leads to life, from verse 17. This verse also says that when we ignore correction, we can lead others astray. 

This, my precious lovelies, is no different than peer pressure. More subtle perhaps, but it's the same thing with different packaging. 

Mind you, there is a form a peer pressure that works for the kingdom. In fact, positive peer influence is perhaps the greatest thing you can do for your generation. 

It doesn't mean that we flip open a book of religious law in front of others and point out the rules and where we are all going astray. It doesn't mean calling everyone out. 

What it means is gracefully living a life of discipline. Modeling by example JOY. Showing Christ to others through your actions. In this way, you will not only draw your fellow sisters in Christ closer to you, but you will also help them seek Him more when they see you live out your life in sync with His desires for you. This is the opposite of leading others astray!

And believe me when I say that when you can stand up to peer pressure now by being a living example of faith, it will become second nature to you as you grow more mature. Others will seek you out because you are a pleasure to be around. That kind of positive peer pressure is beautiful!


Friday, January 25, 2013

How many things are you working on by yourself?

     by Morgan
      Walking down the hallway before our big game, all you could hear was, “The girls basketball team is going to lose so bad tonight! “ 
     We were all use to it, considering we heard it all day, so we realized we didn’t have anything to lose. “Go out there and make this game a trending Twitter feed tonight, “said our coach before we ran out.
     10.6 seconds left in the 4th quarter, and we were down by 1 with a score of 62-63. Our coach called a timeout to give us a play to run to get back up by one or two. The crowd was going crazy, and there was arguing going on back and forth between both sides.
     Abby threw the ball in to Lauren, who passed the ball to Sydney to make the winning shot. Right after that happened with only 1.6 seconds left, Mt.Pulaski’s coach called a timeout to make a sudden come back. They threw the ball, and it touched Kami’s hand and the time ran out. Nothing but loud noises and shouts filled the gym as we told the opponent, "Good game."
     You may be wondering how this has anything to do with being a Mighty Strong Girl, or what it even means to be a Mighty Strong Girl for God. A couple years ago, I would be asking myself the same question, and I would sit there until I figured it out MYSELF.
     Have you ever had a time where you couldn’t do something, or figure something out and you wanted to do it all by yourself until you got the right answer? That’s where this basketball game and being a Mighty Strong Girl for God comes in to play.
     Being a Mighty Strong Girl for God means you devote every day to the Lord. It means you die to yourself because alone you are not strong enough to accomplish anything. I have realized that you may pull one way, and God may pull the other, but He will always pull you back in. You should never try and do things alone. Let God in and let Him be in control of your life. 
     Just like a relationship with God, a basketball game is a two-way street. You lean on your teammates when you aren’t strong enough to make a shot, or make a stop. Every day you should lean on God to strengthen you and provide all the essentials to lead a mighty strong life for Him.

Day 21: Watch out for slick promises by Folly

Today's reading — Proverbs 9

Two distinct types of people are compared here. Those who are wise (righteous) and those who mock (the dead). 

If you are wise, you will seek wisdom continually. You will not be offended by instruction. You will fear the Lord. You will be rewarded. You will receive eternal life. 

Read and reread verses 13-18. This is scary, isn't it? Folly is EVERYWHERE. It is our world — full of lots of promises of sweet water and delicious food. All clothed in the darkness of shame and death.  

If you are a mocker, you will fall for these shiny promises. You will trip over yourself to grab the bling that is dangled in front of you by "Folly." 

You get to decide.  If at this moment you feel "simple," you are being actively sought after by both types of people. You can be persuaded by either type of person. Make the right choice. Choose wisdom!


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 20: Wisdom and riches go hand-in-hand!

Today's reading — Proverbs 8

Girls...GET RICH!

This chapter is so RICH with promises. 

Verses 18, 19
With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield surpasses choice silver. 

The "me" in verse 18 is wisdom. The riches, honor and wealth are not the riches our world values — gold and silver — it is actually BETTER than that! 

In fact, to seize these riches, you may actually have to choose WISDOM over silver and gold, from verse 10. But then in verse 11, we are told that NOTHING we desire can even compare to wisdom. 

That's a pretty awesome promise, don't you think? 

So how can you get wisdom? 

In verse 34, watch daily, wait for it. For when you find it, you will "find favor from the Lord." (verse 35) When you fail to find wisdom, you are only harming yourself. 

Girls, GET WISDOM and GET RICH! I'm ready to wrap myself up in this blessing. How 'bout you? 


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Resolve to trust God; commit to Him

By Morgan
New Year, new start, new goals. We all have things we want to accomplish in the New Year. Some people want to be happy, stop smoking/drinking, make relationships better, etc. What is your goal for the New Year?

I’ve always wondered what others made their resolutions to be. I’ve even wondered why resolutions and why not commitments? 

I have a friend who once told me that she doesn’t make resolutions. When I asked why, she replied, “Because I trust God enough not to make a resolution.” My whole outlook changed whenever I heard that.
This coming year, I’m going to make a commitment to God. I’m going to trust Him even when the tides come. I’m going to show others their true identity and beauty inside and out. God has a huge plan for me and every other Mighty Strong Girl out there. His love and guidance is the perfect gift for the New Year.
My commitment to God is to show others everyday how much their Heavenly Father loves them. Will you make it a commitment too?
In the most recent Mighty Strong Girls magazine, I read Lisa Rigoni's "Fit in His Foundation" column. It gave plenty of tools to reflect over 2012 and plan our future in 2013. I answered the questions her four main points asked and realized a lot about my faith and my walk with Christ. 

Even if we committed to doing something last year, God still gives us strength to make it a goal and try to finish it this year.  I really enjoyed her quote: “Life can change in a matter of seconds…take care of yours and thank God for it.” 

Day 19: Don't be a youth lacking judgment!

Today's reading — Proverbs 7

Before I started reading today's selection, I scanned it and noticed I had circled only one small part of this chapter.  A short section of verse 7: A youth who lacked judgment. 

Don't ask me why I had highlighted this. Maybe because it spoke to me. In my confusion as an adolescent, I questioned God. Then when I didn't get the answers I liked, I turned my back on him for nearly a decade. 

I would call that stupidity on my part (thank God for an all-loving, grace-filled Father!). Here, He calls this "simple." 

I'd like to point out that our Lord does not call youth simple. He says like a "youth who lacked judgment." Listen, it's common for your generation to make decisions without wisdom. Heck, people of all ages do this! 

There are a lot of reasons — peer pressure and lack of experience, feelings of immortality or lack of conviction are some that come to mind. But this does NOT have to be you. The beautiful thing about youth is that God has a special love for you that He declares many times in His word. Because your faith can be so pure and deep. 

How can you be in that category? How can you be the kind of teenager that even adults look up to and learn from? It's both the easiest and hardest thing of all. GET WISDOM! 

In verse 3, "Bind (God's commands) on your fingers, write them on the tablet of your heart." 

If you're bored today, do this literally. Write your favorite scripture citations on your fingers. Or like our blogger Morgan, scribble them on your shoes. 

Wisdom = reading, knowing and memorizing the word of God. 

When you do and the seductress/adulteress (don't take this literally...remember to insert whatever your temptation to sin is in place of this) comes, you will be able to avoid becoming her victim and having your heart turn to her ways, from verse 25. Avoid death and temptation....



Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 18: Healing from the sometimes sting of friendships

Today's reading — Proverbs 6

There are many, many themes in this selection and lots of scripture that would make nice Post-it note reminders for you, Mighty Strong Girl!

For instance, the seven things detestable to the Lord could be a good moral compass and reminder to post in your room. From verses 17-19:

        haughty eyes,
        a lying tongue,
        hands that shed innocent blood,
18         a heart that devises wicked schemes,
        feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19         a false witness who pours out lies
        and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

I also love the visual that comes to mind with verses 20-22: 
My son, keep your father’s command
    and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.
21 Bind them always on your heart;
    fasten them around your neck.
22 When you walk, they will guide you;
    when you sleep, they will watch over you;
    when you awake, they will speak to you.

But today I feel compelled to talk about the beginning of this chapter, because I think it's at the heart of relationships — all relationships.

Our tongues can really get us in trouble...a lot.

I have a dear friend who is reading a book called "Safe People," which sounds phenomenal. God is softening her heart, and she sent me an apology text this morning, saying she was sorry for not following through with commitments she's made to me.

Oddly enough, I didn't feel that way about her at all. She's always followed through on every commitment that she said YES to.

But I have had plenty of friends who don't. Friends who speak secrets about other friends behind their backs. Friends who gossip. Friends who have good intentions but over-commit and then hurt the ones they love. One of my best friends when I was in college was like this. I won't lie, it stung. And it makes me overly-cautious about investing in a friendship still, which isn't a good thing! Girls need good BFFs!

Maybe you've felt the sting of someone who has not followed through with a promise, from verse 1, or maybe you are that friend. Have you been trapped by what you've said, ensnared by your own words, as in verse 2?

In the next verse, we are told we need to free ourselves when we become ensnared. Plead our case, humble ourselves and make things right. How many of us get defensive instead or wallow in our own self-pity, making our friendships even more tense and untrue? How useful is this? We need to preserve our relationships with our sisters in Christ and not let these things come between us!

My friend was attempting to do this today, and it made me really think about my own commitments. Am I following through? Doing all I can? If not, who's suffering as a result? And how can I make it right? How can I avoid over-commiting and serve my God in a way that honors Him and makes the best use of His gifts for me?

It was a good reminder that we need to make commitments where our "yes" can be "yes" and our "no" can be "no." And we can feel good about our relationships in the process!


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 17: Watch your ways — put on display in the public square!

Today's reading — Proverbs 5

Don't look at this chapter "Warning Against Adultery" and make the wrong assumption that it's for a man who cheats on his wife. Oh, dear Mighty Strong Girl, this chapter is for you! And me! 

An adulteress is one who tempts you to do the impure. It doesn't even need to be sexual. What is tempting you? An impure movie? Lyrics full of adultery or idolatry? Romance novels? Premarital sex? Friends with benefits? 

Whatever it is, the warning here is clear. The temptation will sound good — full of honey, smooth. I remember the ways the boys were in high school; they sound real sweet and convincing sometimes, don't they? Movies and steaming novels, they seem innocent enough. It's fiction, right? Music's just a song. It doesn't mean anything, right? 

But the temptation can lead to "death." (verse 5) 

Check out also the consequences from verses 11-14. At the end of time, everyone will hear of the ruin you brought to yourself from the way you ignored warnings and refused obedience. And in verse 21, your ways are "in full view of the Lord." He sees. He knows! 

Further, in verses 15-17, think of your behavior, your choices to be on display — overflowing in public streets, in the public square, for all to see. And "drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well. ...Let them be yours alone, never to be shared with strangers." 

Don't be led astray, Mighty Strong Girls, by a temptation, full of honey or not! 


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 16: Is your cost addiction, peers, eating disorders? Will you empty your pockets of it today?

Today's reading — Proverbs 4

In the last year, I craved — no, I NEEDED — a closeness to God. I promised I would follow Him, be obedient to Him no matter what! And because I'm a skeptic and a doubter by nature, I've always needed so much extra reassurance. I'm like the stubborn, strong-willed, bratty, needy, hard-to-raise kid! LOL! 

I acknowledged it. And then I worked to overcome it by stepping into His presence. Often, I had to leave the house, the community where I live, the county so I could connect with God and focus on hearing His will for me. Yes, it was hard, hard work! It does not always come easy, even if you have a history of obedience. There are times His voice seems distant and unclear. 

But here, in Proverbs 4, He makes a promise that He will guide us in the ways of wisdom and make sure we don't stumble and that our walk will not be hampered. (verses 11-13) "Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life." 

Solomon writes that getting understanding and wisdom may cost us all we have (verse 7). Wow. That's lot, right? But our life is on the line, so is the cost too high? 

I think the cost is different for everyone. And "all we have" may not even be all the money in our pocket. Maybe the cost is giving up an addiction we cling to or a fear we can't turn over to God that's choking our faith. Or maybe the cost is giving up a friend or a group of friends because their influence is standing between you and God. 

What is the cost for you? Is it financial? Or is it your reputation? Will you not fit in with your peers if you seek God's wisdom? If that's what you invest in as the most important thing to you, than it will cost you indeed! What if the cost for you is recovering from an addiction — your phone, cutting, eating disorder, sex? Will you pay the price? 

Because the cost of not seeking wisdom is much higher. Death, destruction, violence, evil. 

It's clear from this chapter that we all have a choice to make. A path to travel on, a price to pay. Thanks be to God for the redemption that comes with the cost! If it were free, would it have any value? 

In verse 23, guard your heart above all for it is "the wellspring of life." 

How do we do all this? Fix our gazes straight ahead, verse 25; make level paths for our feet, verse 26; and DO NOT SWERVE, verse 27. 

It's worth it, Mighty Strong Girls, to pay a price for the path of righteousness! I pray you will not stumble! If you do, remember ours is a God of second chances. Don't look back, to the left or to the right, but get right back on the path and recommit yourself! You can do it!  


Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 15: Who needs jewels, gold and silver?

Today's reading — Proverbs 3

It's hard to unpack all the amazing promises, wisdom and counsel in this chapter alone! 

Some of the promises here: 
Health, wealth, favor with God and man, blessings, long life, riches. 

Of course, they don't just come automatically! You must seek wisdom, love and be faithful, TRUST THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, give to the Lord your firstfruits (tithes and offerings, a giving heart), preserve sound judgement and discernment. 

But there are warnings, too: 
Do not despise the Lord's discipline. Don't withhold from your neighbor in need when you have the means to help now. Do not accuse men for no reason or plot harm against your neighbor or envy a violent man (or mimic him). 

My Bible is marked up heavily in this chapter in pencil and different colors of ink. Different verses have more significance in different phases and chapters of my life. 

But my favorite by far that I think I'll write on my Post-It note today is this: 

Blessed is the woman who finds wisdom, the woman who gains understanding for wisdom is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. 

I think that sums it all up rather well! I hope many of the verses in this chapter spoke to your heart!


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 14: Seek a singing, happy soul!

Today's reading — Proverbs 2

Yesterday you learned why you need wisdom. Today's passage talks about what to do with it. In verse 2, don't just turn your ear to it, but apply your heart to understanding, "call out" and "cry out" for insight and understanding. 

What does that mean? 

Pray for God's knowledge. Seek HIM! He wants you to follow Him, and He promises to pour out knowledge and understanding when you do. In verse 7, he holds the "victory." He's a shield, a guard, a protector. 

The promise of wisdom, from verse 9, is that you will choose every good path, and in verse 10, your soul will sing! Doesn't that sound so very wonderful!

Girls, wisdom will "save you" from the wicked! (verse 12) For no matter how hard you may try, there will always be dark people, wicked men (substitute women, girls and boys) in this world. They love their dark ways, delight in their wickedness and rejoice in their devious and destructive ways. They DESIRE to lead you to death. Be aware. Be warned. 

But be protected. When you GET WISDOM! 


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 13: Girls, GET WISDOM!

Today's reading — Proverbs 1

Before diving into this reading, did you know that King David's son Solomon wrote Proverbs? It's quite fitting, since when God asked him what he wanted, Solomon — who could have asked for riches, incomparable wealth, success, power or fame — begged for wisdom. 

Did you know wisdom is mentioned 365 times in the Bible? One mention for every day of the year. Girls, GET WISDOM! When you have wisdom, you will feel rich beyond compare. You will experiences success and have the power of God behind all you do! GET WISDOM! 

Start today by reading and highlighting as you go in Proverbs.  As you read and find something particularly helpful, grab a Post-It Note and write it out. Stick it on your bathroom or bedroom mirror. 

Are you ready, Mighty Strong Girls? We are going after it — wisdom! Woot-woot! 

Check out verse 7. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline." 

Okay, so you might be thinking what does "fear" mean. Fear may be a negative word in your vocabulary. But it's not a bad or negative thing. Fear is respect, yearning to know better, to understand, to put things in proper perspective and order. Which is why the second half of the verse says fools despise wisdom and discipline. Those are concepts that are wrapped up in "fear." 

You might think of boiling down this concept into the once-popular acronym WWJD (What would Jesus do?). Put God first. Think of Him always. Fear Him. Respect Him. That kind of discipline yields wisdom. 

Take this to the next level and fear your parents, from verses 8-9. 

Then through verse 19, take heed of the lies and tricks meant to deceive you and tempt you into sinning. From this, my favorite part is the idea that you "rush into sin." Don't swiftly follow along with the pack. Stop. Listen. 

So I said we need to GET WISDOM. What does God say about this? He tells us starting in verse 20 through the end that wisdom is ours for the taking. She is calling for us. How easy is this? Wisdom is right there, and God wants us to seize her! 

But the hard-to-swallow truth is that it doesn't matter because most of us are simple and fools. Often, we miss out on wisdom even though it's right in front of us! God is stretching out His hand, His wisdom — He's waving it in front of us and we reject Him! Then what happens? Disaster, clarity, storms, whirlwinds, distress and trouble. 

Sound familiar? It sure does to me. 

There's hope, though, Mighty Strong Girls. At any moment, no matter how many times we've rejected God's hand of grace before, we can GRAB IT! 

And get this. When we do, He offers us safety. We will "be at ease, without fear of harm." (verse 33)



Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 12: Put on your armor and prepare for BATTLE!

Today's reading — Ephesians 6:10-21

If Mighty Strong Girls had a theme song, it would be like verses 10-20 set to music! This is what it all boils down to girls. We have to be ready to fight this battle. There is a war "out there" for our very identities. We have to stand up for who we are in Christ — unique, beautiful creatures with a destiny that He planted within us to do His works. 

But we can't do it without truth, righteousness, faith, salvation, prayer and the word of God. 

When we held our kickoff party for Mighty Strong Girls, I referred to this passage. 

I'm going to share it again today, because even if you heard it, it's worth repeating!

Beauty is strength. Biblical strength. Over and over again, the magazine Mighty Strong Girls will remind you of true beauty and true strength. You should also know that Ephesians 6 gives you a blueprint for strength; it tells us how to stand against the powers of darkness. Please recognize that darkness isn't something intangible or ancient. Darkness is the powers that work against good, and in this case, darkness is this message — THIS LIE — that we aren't good enough. But of course, there is good news. Found in the blueprint. Paul lists all the weapons we can use to grow strong, described as the "armor of God." 

* Belt of truth
* Breastplate of righteousness
* Shield of faith
* Helmet of salvation
* Sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God
and finally and most importantly, 
* Prayer


Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 11: Improve your relationship with your parents!

Today's reading — Ephesians 6:1-9

This selection is a great guide for all of us. Obedience and respect to anyone in authority over us. 

For you, dear Mighty Strong Girl, that means your father and mother. You may not always see eye-to-eye, but you honor your Father in heaven when you obey your parents. He takes GREAT DELIGHT in this!

How can you do this? 

Here's one idea, and I'm completely stealing this from "Every Teen Girls' Little Pink Book." Here are three things to tell your parents: 

1. Tell them when you need help. Whether it's in a relationship, job, school, sports. That's why God gave them to you!

2. Tell them when you've made a mistake. It will also give you accountability to avoid stumbling in that sin in the future!

3. Tell them you love and appreciate them. Regularly express your appreciation for how they invest their time, energy and money in you. Love them — even when they don't show the same love to you in return — because it's what God wants you to do. 

From this same book, there are seven things you can do to bring joy to your family: 
1. Do your chores without being told. 
2. Offer to help with something that isn't your responsibility. 
3. Think of a compliment you can give your mom and dad. 
4. Ask your parents how you can improve your behavior. 
5. Don't procrastinate when asked to do something. 
6. Treat your siblings with the same respect you desire. 
7. Be polite, thoughtful and helpful inside and outside your home. 

If this sounds like more than you can stomach, you need to pray about it. And then realize that if you can't do these things, you will struggle to have a successful career when you leave your home. Why?  If you can't honor and obey those who love you in your home, it's unlikely you'll behave any better with a boss who won't be nearly as likely to forgive. 

Seek joy when you start from within! I know you can do this girls! Give it a shot! And then write a blog or note to us about what happened when you did!


Falling off the wagon

by Cece
Falling off the wagon is something even the best of us do. It's not always something you can prevent, no matter how hard you try. 

When I lose sight of what's important, I go into what I call "the twilight zone." Everything is put on mute, and my mind seems to turn off. Everything seems to be on fast forward, and I can never remember what really happened afterward. I go into some sort of frenzy. 

But I have some tips to keep you from falling off of the wagon.
1) Find something to focus/obsesses over. You need something to do when something goes wrong instead of harming yourself.  For me, I would watch The Little Mermaid. It was the movie my mom would always put on when I was sad.
2) Call someone. You need someone to talk you down from the ledge, so I would suggested a good friend. Someone you can trust.
3) Think of your family. When you are about to do something rash, think of your parents and/or siblings. What would they say/do if they found you harming yourself, how would they feel.
4) Take some time to calm down. If I was about to harm myself, I would pace and take some deep breaths. Then I would put on some upbeat music and take a shower. This gives you some time to think about what you were about to do and realize how stupid it was.
5)  Watch TV or listen to music. Sitting down and focusing on whatever you are watching/listening to will distract you and give you some time to sort everything out.
6)  Think about what would happen if you ended up dying. Think about the grief you would put your family and friends through. Think about everything you will miss if you ended your life.
I hope these tips help you from doing something stupid. You are worth more than you will ever realize and GOD has an amazing plan for your future. You don't want to miss out what he has in store for you. You may not think people will care, but in truth, they absolutely will.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 10: Learning to be a wife who submits

Today's reading — Ephesians 5:22-32

This may be one of the most understood Biblical concepts. And it's one that kept me far away from Christianity for a long time. As a wife and as a woman, my God asks me to "submit" to my husband. 

I don't know about you, but to my teenage mind, that seemed archaic, ancient, outdated and just plain wrong. Totally unequal, right? 

Actually, it IS unequal. Like women and men are unequal. There, I said it. 

There is a feminism "camp" that would like you to think that women are equal to men. I used to buy that argument, too. 

But, by design, the genders are so different. Not just physically but emotionally and physiologically. Some women don't like it when you say that. As if it's a sign of weakness. When nothing could be further from the truth. 

The genders compliment one another, and the characteristics of women can make wonderful leaders. Are there things women can't do that men can? Certainly! 

Women are not as strong. When one of our freelance writers interviewed girls in Africa for a magazine article, one of the teenage girls said that women in her culture are expected to do the same physical work as men. Even though their bodies aren't designed for that work. It makes life hard when women must haul water, hoe the hard earth and crush rocks at a quarry just like a man. 

So what does that have to do with "submitting"? First, we already know we're supposed to love God, which means we must be obedient and trust him, too. 

And what does submitting mean exactly? It means — as in a corporation or organization — there can only be one leader. A company could not possibly have two presidents. It would never work. Likewise, a house with two leaders — and two totally different sets of rules — could not operate efficiently. 

A man is told to love his wife. We've talked about what it means to love someone. When you love them, you will do anything for them, including submitting. So husbands are also called to submit in ways, too. Men must also submit to the Lord. They are not exempt.

A wife is told to respect her husband. You see, that's because men and women are designed differently. Women love more naturally, and men respect more naturally. God is simply gently reminding us to be careful to do what our gender is not particularly inclined to do in a relationship. After all, He knows us best. He designed us, and He ought to know how to write an instruction manual that works. 

I trust Him. Do you?


Day 9: Change You. Change Your World.

Today's reading — Ephesians 5:1-21

I think one of the biggest challenges in Christianity today is the confusion over salvation. The Old Testament is full of rules. Even the New Testament has parables from Jesus, letters from Paul and stories a plenty about how we should live. It's easy to understand why people are easily confused. 

These 21 verses are full of what looks like "rules." Stay away from these things, don't associate with those people, do not do this, speak ling this, always, never, be very careful. It's almost nauseating. 

Or is it? 

Are these guidelines really for you? For me? Who was Paul talking to? And why? Is this relevant today? 

When I read through this, it reminded me of the book of James. Very straight-forward, concise and condemning. But it's only condemning if I allow it to be. It's only condemning because I want the Holy Spirit to work through these issues in me. 

Here's how I see it. Come to the word of God committing to follow only two "rules," that you love God and love people. The word of God tells us Jesus came into the world to SAVE us, NOT to condemn us. How can you NOT love someone who is so selfless, who models for us the way to love our brothers and sisters? And if you can love Him and love others with an honest and pure heart, you will WANT to become a better person. 

Circle this in your passage from verse 10 (NIV): find out what pleases the Lord. 

You see, when you love someone, TRULY LOVE THEM, you want to submit to them. You want to serve them. And that's what verse 21 says...."submit to one another out of reverence of Christ." 

Here's my boiled down version of not rules, but guidelines, for how I can follow more closely in God's will for me: 

1. Imitate God as best I can. 
2. Do not be sexually immoral, impure, obscene, talk foolishly or be greedy. 
3. Expose your sins and ask for forgiveness. 
4. Live as if every day is your last, always seeking to further God's kingdom. 
5. Seek wisdom in all ways. 
6. Live by the Holy Spirit! 
7. Always give thanks to God. 

Because I love my Lord, I WANT to do these things. You see, Jesus always put relationships first. When you do that, it's not a chore to follow rules. We seek them to improve our relationships. 

Not only does that make me a changed a person, it changes my community and changes my world. And makes me a Mighty Strong Girl.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Friends: The Perfect Gifts From God

by Meg

Living a godly life is not easy in today's world, though I probably donʼt have to tell you that. 

Currently, I work at a Subway in Eagle River, Alaska (weʼre ranked top in the state, you should stop by sometime), and Iʼm surrounded by hundreds of different, diverse people every day.
When I lived in Athens, I could walk into the Dollar General and say "hi" to four different people I knew. Especially one of my best friends, who strangely always seemed to be there when I was. Anyway, my point is that the world is full of people and not all of them are Christians. 

Choosing your friends after a transition is vital to your walk with God. You have to choose people who can help you along with your faith, not hinder it. I havenʼt yet been able to find any Christian friends, and I can safely say my walk has become slow and hard because of this.
Change weakens a person. When I moved to Athens I was so desperate for friends I reached out to everyone hoping to find my place. Thankfully, God sent the right people to me: good, Christian girls who would influence me in a positive way. 

Here in Alaska the struggle has been harder, but I know God will send someone if Iʼm patient; and wherever you are, He will send friends to you, too. Itʼs not just a comforting thought, itʼs absolutely true.
Iʼm going to be completely honest and say that this is something Iʼm still struggling with. Itʼs lonely without friends, and sometimes Skype doesnʼt cut it. I know if youʼre in this situation you know what Iʼm talking about. I came to Alaska with the bitter view that I didnʼt want new friends. My old friends in Illinois were fine. And people, this will make you very, very angry inside.
At first itʼs easy. You start school (Iʼm homeschooled), you get a job, you meet some nice people (not necessarily your friends), you settle in, youʼre actually starting to smile at life again. Then a month or two goes by and your old friends (who youʼve been conversing with at length so far) start their school and you see on Facebook theyʼve been hanging out. Jealousy creeps in, but thereʼs nothing you can do about it. You want to hang out with friends, but only those friends. Not new ones.
The hole deepens when you realize that the rest of your family is meeting people and making friends. Personally, to combat this chasm, I got a dog. Her name is Zeva, and sheʼs a cutie! Sheʼs smart, fun, and happy...but she canʼt talk. She canʼt go grab ice cream. She can have a sleepover, but she keeps licking me and chewing on my shoes.
What Iʼm trying to say is you have to get out there. GO to youth group at church. If you donʼt like your youth group, find another one. If youʼre homeschooled, FIND that homeschool home group. Theyʼre really out there. If you go to school, JOIN that club that looks interesting. And above all, BE YOURSELF. 

God made you perfect just the way you are, and Heʼll send friends who think that about you. The journey into the hole of no-friend-ness (yeah I couldnʼt think of a better name) is dark and lonely. You have to climb out.