Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 34: Serving can lead to spiritual riches!

Today's reading — Proverbs 22

This chapter was very convicting to me. Made me think about wealth, poverty, debts, fear of the Lord and how all these things can either work together for His glory ... or not.

Today I'd like to talk about verse 16: 

He who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth 
and he who gives gifts to the rich — 
both come to poverty. 

For some reason, this made me think about the photo shoot we did not long ago for a Mighty Strong Girls magazine column on different body types. (For the record, I made seven girls FREEZE for an outdoor photo shoot. They probably still haven't forgiven was brutal!) 

But as I edited the photos this morning, I was reminded that God isn't examining the outer shell, though they are all uniquely different. The bottom line is that girls of many shapes, sizes and colors are ALL beautiful to Him! 

I think in verse 16, poverty isn't necessarily material poverty but spiritual poverty. It comes in many shapes, sizes and colors — just like the body type. So beware....whether you are oppressing the poor to increase your wealth or whether you are giving something to someone who doesn't need it. Because the path he wants you to take is the one that leads to a cheerful, giving heart. One that leads to eternal life and spiritual riches!

How can you apply this to life. Instead of taking a prized pair of jeans or prom dress to a consignment store or giving it to a friend who lacks nothing, perhaps you can donate it to a homeless shelter or ask your pastor if there's a family struggling in your own church with a daughter who could really use and LOVE your selfless donation.  

As a side note, I want to mention that we had MANY, MANY dresses donated to Mighty Strong Girls for a style show and dress sale fundraiser last month. It was amazing. I'd like to share one story from that event. The mom of one of the girls happened to tell me days later that her daughter is given an "allowance" of $100 per prom or homecoming dress. Anything above that she must pay for on her own. This girl donated a $500 dress to Mighty Strong Girls. This was a big sacrifice, as she might have been able to sell it for $300. A girl attending the event bought it for $50, which was donated to Mighty Strong Girls. What a priceless, amazing act of kindness. My heart is full when I hear of these stories! And that, dear girls, is what a Mighty Strong Girl does! 

{seeking spiritual riches alongside you}

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