No matter our circumstances or situations we are facing, there’s nothing or no one who can make us feel better or take it away. Except Jesus. He’s it, He’s everything.
As I got into my car this morning, plugged in my AUX cord, and contemplated what I could listen to that would make me feel the slightest bit better, I realized nothing would. In a split second of hopelessness, I felt so defeated.
Evaluating my current state of mind, I realized my bad attitude and “blah” feeling weren’t rooted in anything of real measure or importance. I wasn’t facing a life-threatening or debilitating event or circumstance; I was just simply struggling with my attitude. Blame it on female hormone fluctuations, maybe. But regardless the reason and how small of an issue it looked compared to what some people are facing today, I was still enduring this struggle. As my music selection failed to be the saving source I needed this morning, I realized something… There wasn’t going to be anything I could put into that “saving source” role that would bring relief or change. It’s like trying to fit a round peg into a square opening … ever try that? It doesn’t work. EVER. Without manipulating or breaking the pieces, of course. ;)
So in that moment, God reminded me to focus on the truth in the situation. He’s been doing this with me lately in every situation I’m facing … “What’s the truth in this?” “Find the truth” “Focus on the truth” are all things I’ve been hearing lately when in the midst of a situation in which I’m questioning or wondering.
Sound familiar to anyone?
Yep. Philippians 4:8. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about those things.”
I’ve been coming across this scripture lately, not by any sort of accident. God is using this to remind me to find the truth in situations in which my emotions might be getting the best of me. And by MIGHT I mean emotions that ARE getting the best of me. Female hormones, what can I say? If you don’t understand what I’m saying girls, give it a few years and you’ll know exactly what I mean!
So, knowing that nothing in this situation would help me feel better except the presence and truth of the Lord, I had to ask myself a question. How many times have I looked out to other people or other things to provide comfort in situations in which I was hurting or struggling? Ouch. Talk about self-examination; that one hurt a little bit!
I’m well aware and fully believe that God places people in our lives to be support systems for us and He works through those people, so I’m not discrediting that in any way. BUT … what about the times I’ve looked to music, food, TV, movies, people who may not be the best support, or that “down time” that’s only been isolation, and I don’t feel a bit better afterwards? How many times have I looked to the wrong thing? Probably more than I can even count or even want to know.
Honestly this saddened me. But in that moment I thanked God for His truth and His peaceful presence that surpasses all understanding in times like this. I prayed that I would always be aware of where I’m looking for comfort and that Jesus would be the first place I’d look and turn.
I pray the same for you girls. You are a princess and a daughter of the Most High — take hold of that and claim it, own it. It’s your identity and He longs for you to turn to Him and allow Him to comfort you. His love and peace are infinite. No problem or situation we encounter is too small, he wants us to look to Him and allow Him to help us in everything we do! Let Him be that “saving source” in those times of need; He’s the only one that fits the role, girls! You have a loving Father that longs for you; let Him love on you. You are HIS precious girl!