by morgan wells
As I was reading Francis Chan’s book, Crazy
Love, I stumbled upon a couple sentences that were pretty convicting.
of them read, “Most of us, to some degree, have a difficult time understanding,
believing, or accepting God’s absolute and unlimited love for us.”
you guilty of this?
Do you ever have a hard time understanding God’s love for
you or someone else in your life?
Do you find yourself questioning His love
when things go wrong or not as planned?
I’m not going to lie; I’m guilty of
this when certain things aren’t going as I had originally hoped. But… that’s
why I’m writing this blog… to show girls how powerful God is and how
unconditional His love is for us.
It’s been quite some time since I’ve blogged, and
I could make up some excuse about how busy I’ve been with other things, but the
truth is that I have kept my distance from God.
At first, it was unknowingly
because comfort is my weakness but then it became noticeable.
Before you read
any further, I want you to think of a few of the many times that God has given
you hope through a tough situation… or maybe it wasn’t a tough situation… maybe
it was a situation that was a blessing.
Looking back, do you see God’s hand in
that situation?
The word love appears in the Bible 551 times.
What does love really mean?
According to Wikipedia, love is a variety of
different feelings, states, and attitudes and it can also be a virtue
representing human kindness, compassion, and affection. Love is a word that’s
confusing for some. We hear people say they love their kids, spouses, and
friends all the time. It’s a word that’s thrown around a lot in our
culture…sometimes good and others times bad.
We can “love” all we want, but it
really doesn’t make sense unless we fully understand that God IS love. He does
represent human kindness, compassion, and affection when we let Him.
When we are younger, our parents tell us they
love us. When we become teenagers, a boy will tell us he loves us, and when we
become adults, our spouses will tell us they love us.
No, I’m not saying love
is a bad thing, and we should always run away. I’m telling you that our parents,
our friends, and our spouses (someday) can’t love us the right way until they
love God the most.
I’ll give an example of this Great Love.
I came to Christ, I was a mess. I found myself hanging out with people who
didn’t really lead me in any direction (which is just as bad as them leading me
in a bad direction). I was happy where I was, doing the things I was doing.
But… out of God’s great, great love, He found me when I was lost, sent someone to
invite me to a Christ in Youth camp, and saved me. THAT is Great Love.
Telling numerous stories isn’t my intention for
this blog… my main intention for this blog is to prove to girls like you that
you ARE God’s princess. God loves you more than your parents, friends, or any
boy ever could.
Some of you girls have been saved by the Lord's unconditional
and perfect love. And others haven’t quite yet made the jump. For those who
haven’t… fall. Allow God to catch you. Allow God to use you to love others
because of Him.
And if any of you get the chance, read Francis Chan’s book, Crazy
Love. It provides biblical examples, and it challenges you to love God and
love others despite our imperfections.
“Even though we could die at any moment
and generally think our puny lives are pretty sweet compared to loving Him, He
persists in loving us with unending, outrageous love.”
Go and do.
Be a blessing
for someone today, tomorrow, and forever. God wants to show you His Greatest
Love…will you allow Him?
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