by Morgan

The past couple years of my life, I’ve leaned on a God who I’ve never leaned on before. I’ve loved a God who I’ve never loved before, and I’ve trusted in a God who I’ve never trusted in before.
Before I became a follower of Jesus, I lived my life on a bad road. A road that would lead to misery, heartbreak, and disappointment. A life I would never wish on anyone. How I saw myself back then, and how I see myself now are so different. I used to see a cute boy and think he was “the one." I wanted that label that made me popular, and I honestly thought sex was the way to get it.
The attitude I had about sex and boys changed dramatically in the sense that I now see myself as worth it. I see myself as God’s prized possession, because I know I am. And I know you are.
I struggled with purity and being pure. I struggled with knowing what being pure even meant. When I think of pure, I don’t think of “waiting till marriage” as much as I think of Matthew 5:8 that says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”
Do I think waiting to have sex until marriage is a good idea? Yes, I do.
I think you are worth waiting for, too, and even if you haven’t waited, God still can make your heart pure and can make you new. He can make all things new.
I’ve done things in the past that I regret, but I see God in all those things now. I see my life as His life, because He made me and created me. He knows the mistakes I’ve made and the mistakes I will make, but it’s never too late.
Being pure is something I always wanted. Little did I know, God already made me pure in heart and now I can see Him. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it’s never too late to turn back around.
God’s arms are wide open, and He’s waiting for you to run to Him. Britt Nicole’s new song says this “So hold your head up high, it's your time to shine, from the inside out it shows, you're worth more than gold."
This is how God sees you, worth more than gold.
Morgan, great job. Like at your age is very difficult. You are setting a path for yourself and those around you that is to be admired. Head held high, power on. Your light is shining!!!!
ReplyDeleteMorgan thank you for sharing your story. You are an inspiration to us all. Praying for God's blessings in your life always. Dawn Mossman