We are so glad to introduce our bloggers! They are very courageous and beautiful young ladies who are truly stepping out in faith to share some of their soul and innermost thoughts with you. Please leave them an encouraging notes by commenting on this page or on their individual blog posts. Feel free to leave them a question, too, but in the spirit and vision of this Web site, negative posts are NOT allowed.
Sarah Beth Fitch is our blog manager. She is 26 years old, one of eight children, and loves running and praying at the same time! She's addicted to coffee and has a passion for girls and for Autism. Sarah is a student at Southwestern Assemblies of God University, and she's recently discovered a desire to write. We are so excited to see how God uses her calling to defeat the power of darkness here on the Mighty Strong Girls blog. We are thrilled to have Sarah Beth on the team!
Morgan Wells is a junior at Athens high school. She has a passion for playing basketball and running track. She's a big family girl and spends her days following the one who means the most to her... Jesus! "He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world."
Payson is a central Illinois teenager blogging anonymously about some of the struggles she has endured. Payson has a history of self harming and eating disorders stemming from early adolescence when she first encountered a negative self image.
Katie Basso is Payson revealed. She decided in the summer of 2014 to share her real identity and share her life authentically with our readers.
Reynolds, 15, is very enthusiastic and enjoys art in the forms of
music, writing, and pottery. She thinks growing up a tomboy gives her
unique perspectives, “the spice of life.”
Meg is a 16-year-old who currently lives in Chugiak, Alaska. She is a homeschooler with many interests, some of which include reading, writing, the outdoors, being with her friends and family, and learning about her Savior, Jesus Christ. Her favorite bible passage is Lamentations 3:19-33, and her favorite creations are flowers.
CeCe is a teenage girl living a few miles from Springfield, Illinois. She has gone through many years of bullying, self-harm, eating disorders and depression. CeCe would like to share her testimony with other girls who are going through the same struggles.
I am amazed and encouraged by our Mighty Strong Girls bloggers. Thanks for sharing your stories with us. You are touching lives! God is watching and saying "Well done, my good and faithful servants."