by Katie Basso

A lot happened at CIY this year. Like, a lot.
First off, for those of you who don't know. CIY stands for Christ in Youth. They have different camps for different age groups. The one I am specially talking about is CIY MOVE, which is for high schoolers. I have been blessed to have attended four CIY MOVE camps in my lifetime. Well, more like three and a half, but that is a story for a different time.
This year was big for me. I was pushed outside of my comfort zone by going with my new church and knowing almost no one. It was hard, and at some points it made listening to God more difficult.
But He made something very clear to me. I'm still holding onto my addictions. I haven't let them go yet. I'm like a little kid with their blanky. It's like a sense of protection for them. That's how my addictions are for me. I know that if something happens, I will have these things to fall back on. They will always be here.
But God doesn't want me to use them as a safety net. He was me to use Him as a safety net.
At the beginning of the week everyone was given a red piece of yarn. Later on we were told that this piece of yarn represents a sin that's holding us back, or something that we need to let go of. There was a big metal circle placed in the front of the theater we were in, and in the circle was a heart. We were challenged to come up and tie our yarn to the circle which represented us, and then to the heart which represented Jesus.
My string represented my addictions.
And I couldn't do it. I couldn't tie the string. I wanted to so badly, but I felt that if I did I would be lying to myself and to God. So I didn't do it. I still have the red piece of yarn with me. I haven't let it go.
Addictions are just symptoms though. I still haven't figured out what mine are symptoms of, but I am praying that God reveals that to me. I trust He will when the time is right. Until then, I'm leaning on Him instead of my addictions. They are still there in the back of my mind, but I'm slowly getting better at going to God first.
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