Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 38: Do more than cover yourself with glitter

Today's reading — Proverbs 28-29

Have you ever hidden something? A habit? A sin? A past you wish you could run away from? It takes so much work, time and energy to cover up something. 

And sometimes there isn't enough glitter in the world to add the amount of sparkle it would take to cover up your pain, sadness, anger or hurt. 

What's a girl to do? 

In Proverbs 28, verse 13, it says: 

She who conceals her sins does not prosper, 
but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy. 

When you are ashamed of a past or find ugliness in your physical form or have an addiction that consumes you, the world is pointing its finger and laughing. It certainly feels that way, doesn't it? Our culture is so good at making you feel ashamed, guilting you into negative emotions and force-feeding lies about how you screwed up, are unworthy and have no value. Even when you are a good person who stumbled. Even when you know it was wrong. Even when the past is very, very distant. 

Our God isn't like that. It's true what they say, that the ground is even at the foot of the cross. All sins are equal, and God loves you so much that there's mercy for you NO MATTER WHAT! 

If you feel today, right now, like you just can't get ahead, it might be time for confession. God wants you to hand it over. And as I discussed with my kids this morning, renounce the sins by committing to a new you. 

Our world loves a success story, and you, dear Mighty Strong Girl, have a most lovely story to tell. Don't delay. Bring your sin into the light. Confess and renounce, and get the fresh start that you DESERVE because you are a child of God

{leaving it at the foot of the cross}

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