Today's reading — Proverbs 21
One of my favorite books of 2012 was Richard Stern's "Hole in the Gospel." It tells his testimony of how he came to the helm of World Vision, and his fast-moving story had me twitching.
God wanted him to give up his riches and position as a corporate CEO and oversee World Vision, a Christian organization that helps combat poverty and more.
I used to wonder how people could say they were "called" to do something. It sounded like a nice word to persuade the rest of the world they had a personal relationship with the Lord. The Lord doesn't care enough about a person's job to "call" them there. Or. Does. He?
I loved Stern's story because he dug his heels in. He did NOT want to take the job. He did not want to give up his comforts, and he didn't even think God was calling him even as the signs started to build up.
But eventually it became too much. God's fingerprints were all over it. He WANTED Richard Sterns, and God would stop at nothing to prove it to him!
Girls, I have attempted to resist God's subtle urgings in the past. He usually doesn't stop at one attempt. He's been so faithful to give me more than one sign to convince me of His will for me.
That's why I loved verse 30 in today's reading:
There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
What He wants, He gets. And if it involves you, there's no tool at your disposal that could stop Him. And girls, would you really want to?
He KNOWS best. And best of all, He knows you. Those special passions, gifts and desires in your heart, He will draw those out of you so you can do His work in His time.
I know. Because He called me here. To Mighty Strong Girls. To use the best of what I have been gifted with to serve Him. And you.
Sometimes it's scary. But all the time, it's a pleasure. It's part of my identity in Christ. And you have one, too, right now that will continue to grow and evolve and stretch your faith! It's that beautiful thing that makes you shine from the inside out; it's what makes you who you are; it starts and ends with Him!
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