Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 31: Seek a new definition for wisdom!

Today's reading — Proverbs 19

Is the concept of wisdom, as defined by God, beginning to sink in with you in the reading of Proverbs? I think one of the biggest benefits of this book of the Bible is to see wisdom as God does, not as the world does. 

It's a MAJOR change in thinking! 

You see, our cultural view of wisdom is lots of academic degrees, scholastic awards, professional achievements and accolades. Our world would have you think wisdom is tightly connected to authority or maybe even directly related to someone's career or income. 

Someone who is wise never stumbles, ask questions or seems in doubt — at least according to our worldview of wisdom. 

I was reading an older book, "The Power of Believing in Your Child" by Miles McPherson before falling asleep last night. I decided to stop on this line so I would remember to share it this morning with my daughter who has never stopped asking questions since the day she could form complete sentences: 

Kids with leadership qualities are inquisitive. 

Whoa! The world says leaders don't need to ask questions. They already know it all, right? 

Good leaders are humble, compassionate, always learning and seeking wisdom, and embracing opportunities to serve. 

In Proverbs 19, verse 8 says: 

She who gets wisdom loves her own soul; she who cherishes understanding prospers. 

Girls, it doesn't say "she who is wise." You see, God has big, big plans for you. But you don't just get to have them. It's not a soup kitchen where He's pouring into every bowl equal servings. 

You, my precious girl, must ACT. Seek wisdom. Get wisdom. How do you do that? 

Ask questions. Learn. Read your Bible. Pray. And serve. 

Finally, don't ever stop. Nobody ever arrived at wisdom. They keep actively pursuing her, so they can become even more in tune with God's will for their lives! 

{chasing His wisdom}

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