Today's reading — Ephesians 4:17-32
Lots of contrast in this selection. Reminds me of the small group study at church last night. We spoke of the lies of this world and read Matthew 6:24, "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money."
Interesting, isn't it, that Money is capitalized here. The world is full of many lies that can be turned into our idols. I challenge you to journal how much time you spend each day on God and how much time you spend on the other things you desire — television, your phone, your car or four-wheeler, computer. Do they even compare?
What happens when Money (or substitute your idol here) takes a higher position, takes authority over God in your life. There's a warning in this passage, in verse 19, "Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more."
Our instructions here are clear. The old way, the unsaved version of you is no longer — it is corrupted by deceitful desires (the lies!). You are to put on the new you. The new you is created to be like God, holy and righteous and an all-new attitude in your mind.
Read and reread the instructions from verse 29-32. Sisters, oh Mighty Strong Girls, it is God's desire for us — His very beloved — that unwholesome talk would not come out of our mouths, that we would only say those things that are useful for building others up, not according to your needs, but ACCORDING TO THEIR NEEDS.
Do you fall short here? I know I do! I'm very good at building up those people when I have a vested interest. But what about when I don't?
Here's the prescription, right out of verse 31-32: Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Hard: Yes. Incredibly freeing and rewarding: Yes. Yes. YES!!!
Girls, this is what God wants for you. Follow the prescription and BE RENEWED!
Interesting, isn't it, that Money is capitalized here. The world is full of many lies that can be turned into our idols. I challenge you to journal how much time you spend each day on God and how much time you spend on the other things you desire — television, your phone, your car or four-wheeler, computer. Do they even compare?
What happens when Money (or substitute your idol here) takes a higher position, takes authority over God in your life. There's a warning in this passage, in verse 19, "Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for more."
Our instructions here are clear. The old way, the unsaved version of you is no longer — it is corrupted by deceitful desires (the lies!). You are to put on the new you. The new you is created to be like God, holy and righteous and an all-new attitude in your mind.
Read and reread the instructions from verse 29-32. Sisters, oh Mighty Strong Girls, it is God's desire for us — His very beloved — that unwholesome talk would not come out of our mouths, that we would only say those things that are useful for building others up, not according to your needs, but ACCORDING TO THEIR NEEDS.
Do you fall short here? I know I do! I'm very good at building up those people when I have a vested interest. But what about when I don't?
Here's the prescription, right out of verse 31-32: Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Hard: Yes. Incredibly freeing and rewarding: Yes. Yes. YES!!!
Girls, this is what God wants for you. Follow the prescription and BE RENEWED!
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