Saturday, January 12, 2013

Day 10: Learning to be a wife who submits

Today's reading — Ephesians 5:22-32

This may be one of the most understood Biblical concepts. And it's one that kept me far away from Christianity for a long time. As a wife and as a woman, my God asks me to "submit" to my husband. 

I don't know about you, but to my teenage mind, that seemed archaic, ancient, outdated and just plain wrong. Totally unequal, right? 

Actually, it IS unequal. Like women and men are unequal. There, I said it. 

There is a feminism "camp" that would like you to think that women are equal to men. I used to buy that argument, too. 

But, by design, the genders are so different. Not just physically but emotionally and physiologically. Some women don't like it when you say that. As if it's a sign of weakness. When nothing could be further from the truth. 

The genders compliment one another, and the characteristics of women can make wonderful leaders. Are there things women can't do that men can? Certainly! 

Women are not as strong. When one of our freelance writers interviewed girls in Africa for a magazine article, one of the teenage girls said that women in her culture are expected to do the same physical work as men. Even though their bodies aren't designed for that work. It makes life hard when women must haul water, hoe the hard earth and crush rocks at a quarry just like a man. 

So what does that have to do with "submitting"? First, we already know we're supposed to love God, which means we must be obedient and trust him, too. 

And what does submitting mean exactly? It means — as in a corporation or organization — there can only be one leader. A company could not possibly have two presidents. It would never work. Likewise, a house with two leaders — and two totally different sets of rules — could not operate efficiently. 

A man is told to love his wife. We've talked about what it means to love someone. When you love them, you will do anything for them, including submitting. So husbands are also called to submit in ways, too. Men must also submit to the Lord. They are not exempt.

A wife is told to respect her husband. You see, that's because men and women are designed differently. Women love more naturally, and men respect more naturally. God is simply gently reminding us to be careful to do what our gender is not particularly inclined to do in a relationship. After all, He knows us best. He designed us, and He ought to know how to write an instruction manual that works. 

I trust Him. Do you?


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