I am someone wo has suffered for many years believing I am not beautiful enough or good enough for anyone. Yes, my self confidence is still very low, but I am understanding that no matter what I am beautiful.
Pretty much my entire life I looked up to singers, actors, actresses or anyone famous for that matter, but doing so hurt my self confidence. I started to cut myself in seventh grade because I felt I wasn't good enough (but also other reasons as well). I felt as if I would never, ever be good enough. I felt I needed to have the perfect hair. The perfect skin. And of course the smallest body I could possibly have.
As I got older people at school and members of my own family, would make fun of the clothes I wore, my weight or just the way I looked in general. At that time (my freshmen year), I had been free of cutting for two years, but then one day I just cracked...I let myself slip away back to the pain that only lasted merely a second.
I was off and on from cutting ever since, and now here I am a junior, and I still am cutting every now and I have been clean for 100 days, which for me is a huge step! Let me help Mighty Strong Girls in letting girls know that they dont have to be a size "0," or have "perfect" anything to be beautiful!
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